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Everything posted by huss9

  1. i'm so excited, i just can't hide it. i'm about to lose control and i think i like it.
  2. What is Real Madrid all about? Well apart from being absolute bloody morons when it comes to appointing/sacking managers and buying expensive players without any real plan or vision? and allegedly corrupt property dealings amongst others, involving the government. definitely have influence in corridors of power and have abused it.
  3. dont think you can look past spurs when picking either full back.
  4. mbabu's looked pacy and strong defensively in the little time he's played - especially in the Chelsea match against pedro. just hope he's fully fit.
  5. losing to 2 of the bottom 3 in successive games. couldn't have happened to a nicer set of fans.
  6. Was it deeney with the hold up play for the second Watford goal? just excellent centre forward play.
  7. there would have been shrugs and sighs of indifference when being told pardew or mcclaren was be your new coach. can you imagine the actual buzz of having rafa walk out in front of you on the training ground. their performance levels by inspiration alone should improve drastically, and that's even before the training/tactics set in.
  8. Norwich managed to grind out a point against city. they may be shit but there's a semblance of effort there.
  9. huss9

    U23s & Academy

    do season ticket holders still get into u-21 games for free?
  10. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    he should quit today and sue them for constructive dismissal and he'd probably get a few bob extra for the stress. must have a mackem for a lawyer.
  11. wasnt it Ronnie Ronaldo that made a few grand off pardew coming here when golfmag had been on?
  12. so f***ing excited. instant respect from the likes of sissoko, janmaat, etc. sure to make perez step his game up too. and make fat sam s*** his ample pantage prior to the derby. monday night. benitez vs. ranieri . BRING IT ON!!! (don't fuck it up charnley!)
  13. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    "Sorry to ask Steve, but can you take training again tomorrow? We've nearly got your replacement sorted out. I promise you'll be sacked by tomorrow night at the very latest. We really do appreciate it. Just hang on in there, mate."
  14. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    just how little self-respect does mcclaren have?
  15. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    seriously, how fucking awkward and pointless must training have been today? (I mean moreso than usual). players waiting on the the training ground. McLaren walking out and trying to convey some air of authority. the players then looking down at their feet, trying to avoid making eye contact and mumbling some half-arsed "morning gaffer". just amateurish from top to bottom.
  16. hate this cunt. that fucking open goal against villa. changed everything.
  17. again. media not doing its job properly.
  18. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    why the f*** have they let him take training tomorrow? absolute incompetence as per usual. he's not getting sacked. they gonna let him take training, then sack him in the afternoon.?
  19. might not be at sackpardew or ashleyout level, but good on them.
  20. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    pearson lives nearby anarl.
  21. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    why the fuck do they need another meeting. get on yerr fucking phones/laptops. idiots.
  22. huss9

    Alan Shearer

    Think I've seen that film. just a dodgy refereeing decision and a jammy own goal away from glory.
  23. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    charnley probably begging him to take few quid and resign. he finds himself in an equally untenable situation if he sacks mcclaren after spending months begging him to become our manager in the first place.
  24. he really did hide several times today.
  25. on the plus side, we did go to DWsports in byker this morning to get him some new trainers (like those blue adidas x boots his hero wijnaldum wears). so there's £30 you missed out on, Ashely you fat cunt.
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