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Everything posted by huss9

  1. he's looked ok - no worse than colback and a few games on the bounce would have done him and the team no harm at all.
  2. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    charnley lives in the street behind me in great park on barmoor drive. his kid knocks around with my neighbour's son. its just so obvious from his chat that he hasn't a clue about football and really does hang on carr's every word as it were gospel. under the thumb at home and at work by all accounts.
  3. thing is, both my boys are so proud to support newcastle and take a hell of a lot of stick from glory-seeking little wasters poncing around in their citeh shirts. and probably a few in Leicester shirts next year. even my nephews who were born in London wont support any other club.
  4. would rather Armstrong than him leading the line in the champiomship.
  5. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    mcclaren starts riviere today. decides the game needs a change at half time so subs him for another out of form lumbering striker. we needed to change shape, formation, increase the creativity - NOT just change personel and continue going like for like. just the most pointless sub ever. we weren't creating chances or dominating possession - so changes strikers!!!!
  6. there was a moment today when we'd just launched a counter and he was jogging upfield still in our half. Anita came running up behind him and came him a big shove in the back and yelled at him to get moving. cunt still only just barely broke sweat but he did start to run.
  7. fucking cunts. they reduced my 9 year old to tears today. I know, I know - its my fault for taking him. poor kid was in tears with about 25 minutes to go. heartbreaking. just wished the players, the manager, charnley and Ashley could have seen what it meant to him.
  8. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    FUCKING COWARDS Newcastle players issue statement in support of Steve McClaren By Mike Patterson Last Updated: 05/03/16 1:22pm    Newcastle United players have offered their support to Steve McClaren Newcastle United players insist they are fully behind head coach Steve McClaren. The players have taken the unusual step of issuing a statement to confirm their support for the Newcastle manager after reports claimed senior players had become disillusioned with him and were surprised he was still in charge after their poor run of form. The 1-0 defeat at Stoke City in midweek - a seventh consecutive away loss - left Newcastle in the Premier League's bottom three with suggestions that the players expected McClaren to be sacked if they lost to Bournemouth on Saturday, but they have insisted the former England boss has their full respect. Newcastle's Jonjo Shelvey believes his side showed the fans they are up for the fight of staying in the Premier League The statement read: "Newcastle United players would like to make clear that reports in some areas of the media suggesting we are surprised that our head coach has not been dismissed are untrue. "As a group we aware of the situation we are in and it is our responsibility to change that. "The coach and his staff prepare us well for each game, but once on the pitch it is not they who can stop the goals we concede or the chances we don't take, that responsibility is ours the players. Newacastle manager Steve McClaren says his side are ready for the fight to avoid relegation Newacastle manager Steve McClaren says his side are ready for the fight to avoid relegation "On the occasions we have given poor performances this season the coach has in the privacy of the dressing room rightly demonstrated his disappointment in us. "In his press conferences, though, we have seen that he defends his group, continues to show faith in us and shares the responsibility with us. For this he has the full respect of the players. McClaren endured a frustrating night at Stoke in midweek McClaren endured a frustrating night at Stoke in midweek "The players are also aware from articles in yesterday's newspapers that a person or persons connected with the club are giving information to the press of a negative nature. "As players we are very disappointed by this. It's a betrayal of trust for the coach, us and the club. "As a group we know we have it within us to keep this club in the Premier League. "We now must fight every game at a time to earn our place in the Premier League for next season."
  9. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    Thanks for sharing, man.
  10. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    wasting their breath and probably creates sympathy for him in some strange quarters. just be nice and polite. ask him about the game plan. ask him about perez. ask him about him being too afraid to drop either sissoko or gini away from home. etc etc
  11. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    saivet's another confusing cock up. pay decent money for a type of player we need because colbacks been ineffective and then refuse to play him, and just continuing with colback. saivet looked better in the tackle and on the ball ine the few minutes he's been given.
  12. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    the bloody media man. why has no one asked the cunt why gouffran and riviere were preferred to perez, or why we went to stoke to grind out a draw when we should have gone for 3 points. no point asking if he thinks he's gonna be sacked, or letting him behind his perceived bad luck or injuries. - he needs to be called out and pulled apart over his decision making.
  13. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    there's only one thing that's been worse than last night's performance - and that's the shit and bollocks/spin that McLaren, Shelvey and Anderson (radio Newcastle) have come out with since. the whole fucking lot of them seem blissfully unaware that the team is shite, not unlucky.
  14. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    they'll never sack him - as its carr and charnley's heads on the block for choosing him in the first place. just hope they come to some agreement where they secretly pay him off and he says that he resigns in public.
  15. huss9


    4 points from the next 2 games would be great. really need to improve our goal difference also. dont see us beating sunderland at home. need at least a 3point gap before we play them.
  16. well thats's done it for me them. spurs for the league!
  17. its important that some of the questions were put forward. at least the club is made to look clueless and its out in the public domain. think the question about only hughton ever getting the sack, whilst others have have been rewarded for failure was a great one. makes them look like amateurish clowns no matter how they answer it. i know they wont be bothered or give us a useful or constructive answer to any of them, but that makes the club look even more ridiculous from a PR point of view.
  18. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    only villa are guaranteed to go down. can see us finishing above Norwich but not sunderland. the rest are too far ahead for us to catch. mcclaren needs to go but I think it's too late to affect this season. he needs sacking just for getting us into this position. doesn't matter who comes in as we'll still have the remnants of a squad good enough to get us promoted again. I want him gone because he's shit not because it will save our season.
  19. so much for the Premier League's "fit and proper person" criteria for new owners.
  20. huss9

    John Carver

    and then goes round telling anyone who will listen about he kept us up and saved us from relegation.
  21. so unprofessional. he's been looking to get a move away so you think he'd be trying to keep himself in top physical condition.
  22. cant see wba getting another 3 wins this season. definitely see them joining us in the relegation battle.
  23. he was almost begging the linesman to give him offside.
  24. think we should stick in a £5m bid for Pelle at southampton. cheap short term fix.
  25. huss9

    Loïc Remy

    or he could get a premiership medal and play in next seasons champions league
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