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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Players in public

    shopping in the town with the kids and bumped into Gini. Really canny fella. http://s11.postimg.org/3yaqh8dr7/DSC_0065.jpg image hosting
  2. doesn't excuse that shocking miss.
  3. huss9

    Florian Thauvin

    we need better cm's if thauvin's to flourish.
  4. not the worst player on the pitch today but cost us the game today with that shocking miss.
  5. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    think mbabu is good enough for now as we need quality in other areas more urgently
  6. didn't he also say how good reading were and that they would easily survive.....
  7. huss9


    I'd jacked it in until my little'uns got into it. they're 7 and 9 and the whole match day experience with my boys is sooo special. their little faces after the Liverpool game were just precious. I feel dirty putting money into that c***'s pocket but its hard explaining it to my boys.
  8. that unbearable oaf keeps on putting in performances. dare I say but he's been better than Krul this season. well done again today.
  9. don't like him, but tbh he hasn't really done too much wrong since coming in for krul.
  10. talking absolute bollocks about perez. “He has a special quality that you don’t see in too many players and everyone at Newcastle could see that as soon as he arrived at the club.” “We asked him to adapt to the pace of the Premier League very quickly as soon as he arrived at Newcastle and that wasn’t easy for him at the start.” “He needed some time to appreciate what was needed in this league, but technique wise, he is top class.” “He has improved in the Premier League now and that is good to see. We always knew there was a special player in there and I’m not surprised to see him doing well.” lying cunt. he didn't play him until he was desperate for options, and perez didn't take time to adapt. he took to the premier league almost immediately.
  11. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    that chance he fluffed does highlight how thick he can be. he changes direction and runs into 3 defenders rather than into the space in front of him so he can hit it across mignolet.
  12. though the game passed him by somewhat in the first half. and wasn't giving dummet much cover at all.
  13. need to try and get him and ayoze in the team somehow.
  14. think sometimes he's just too desperate and feels he needs to try and win the game on his own, hence he forgets his defensive role altogether.
  15. hard as nails, good engine, great tackler, two footed. wonder if he could be coached into a defensive midfielder.
  16. young kids - easier to drop than the likes of sissoko or colback/anita. and dummet ffs. mcclaren is such a fucking coward.
  17. thought mbabu was fit, or does he really think colback would make a better wing back.
  18. its one thing targeting and going for players, but why would anyone decent even consider moving here in January whilst where odds-on to go down. we might be able to bring them in this summer if we stay up but this January's window is going to be desperate. gonna be a case of just getting some bodies in to pad out the squad. no one of any quality is going to join us in january,
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