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Everything posted by huss9

  1. They've put a stop to this I'm led to believe, qpr weren't allowed to use advertising funding from their owner to offset ffp eh?why not? even if its genuine advertising at the standard rate?
  2. priority is getting a decent striker in.
  3. we can get round it by getting the fat cunt to pay the going rate for his advertising
  4. fucking cunt cost us 3 points at the stadium of shite.
  5. play Darlow Mbabu Mbemba Lascelles Dummet Anita Townsend Aarons Perez Cisse Mitro against spurs
  6. still cant get over de jong vs.villa. think that was a big moment in the season and I hate him for it.
  7. tha fat cunt better start paying for his advertising. we need every penny of income we can get.
  8. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    mitro out. never gonna be prolific even in the championship.
  9. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    how dare the twat call him Rafa. its Mr Benitez to you, you thick fucking eggheaded speccy four-eyed cunt.
  10. hope rafa drops sissoko, wijnaldum, colback, taylor, de jong and janmaat from the squad.
  11. huss9

    Graham Carr

    given instructions to find cheap foreigners we could cash in on - failed at doing that but his biggest mistake was persuading penfold to give his mate schteve a job.
  12. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    unless he's got a get-out clause, there's no reason to grant any transfer request.
  13. ...because my kids still want to go.
  14. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    email will be coming round soon - "get the final few tickets for the spurs game while you can. help the lads extend unbeaten run to six and make it a great end to the season."
  15. they still have 6 points to play for
  16. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    Yeah. But see you can't really say "goal aside" cause that goal is the reason he's picked in the first place. I see the point youre making but I don't think anyone could of missed that chance. It was a decent, hopeful cross that Mignolet flapped at and he was left with an easy finish. It wasnt as if he made terrific movement or anything. di jong would've missed it
  17. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    think mbabu is better than both dummet and haidara
  18. sitting in the gallowgate, it seemed that mitro had blasted his chance well wide. nufc.com saying he grazed the post. not shown on motd. any see it?
  19. what the fuck has happened to Moreno? unplayable at the start of the season, horrific today.
  20. huss9


    bye bye rooney?
  21. mitro should have had a pen second half. clearly impeded when running through by having his shirt pulled.
  22. rafa really has to calm them down. they always look nervous as f***. he needs to avoid the "must win game" scenario as I think the players will s*** themselves. dare I say he needs to tell them its about the performance and we still have games to win after the derby. I think the less wound he gets them, the better we'll do.
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