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Everything posted by huss9

  1. and i know you're not even joking with that. that will actually happen. there'll be a "7-in-a-row" thread on rtg if they win this.
  2. didnt someone off this board go to school with irving and say how he was a real fan.
  3. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    reckon he's a replacement for sissoko who'll be off after the euro's.
  4. lucky to have the fat cunt according to john irving. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/business/14232739.Crowd_displeaser___but_Newcastle_United_lucky_to_have_Mike_Ashley__says_former_right_hand_man/ NEWCASTLE United is perfectly placed to achieve on-field success because it struck lucky when Mike Ashley brought his business acumen to the club’s boardroom, it has been claimed. John Irving, a former Magpies’ finance chief, says Mr Ashley remains the man to bring success to Tyneside. Mr Irving was speaking exclusively to The Northern Echo ahead of the club’s £12m capture of Tottenham Hotspur’s Andros Townsend. Loading article content The England winger’s arrival will mean Mr Ashley has sanctioned spending in excess of £75m in the last six months and paid nearly £30m in January alone, after approving a £12m deal for Swansea City midfielder Jonjo Shelvey and the £4.4m transfer of Bordeaux’s Henri Saivet. Mr Irving, who worked alongside owner Mr Ashley for about eight years before moving to Newcastle Airport, said the Sports Direct founder’s outlay is proof of his commitment to make the team one of the best in the country. He said: “When Mike came in there was a step change in business attitude; it is now a very stable football club. “That doesn’t come out because it’s not the fun stuff (but) they have got the ability to go and buy quality players. “Mike gets a lot of criticism at the club for things that are not necessarily his doing. “The club is lucky he bought it; I honestly believe that. “If not, I don’t know what would have happened.” Mr Irving, who, as business development director, is charged with luring more passengers and services to the airport, said Mr Ashley won’t walk away until success is attained. He added: “People talk about him not having an interest but that is total rubbish. “When he first came to Newcastle, he came to enjoy the football and that’s what he still wants to do. “He has made a massive difference to Newcastle United and has never taken money out of the club. “The model works at the club and Mike has Newcastle United’s best interests at heart. Share article    “They are definitely not where they should be this season, but they’ll be better next year. “Mike won’t accept anything less than that.”
  5. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    such a two-faced cowardly cunt - never does it to mcclaren's face.
  6. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    yeah, I really do. seemed the players looked up to him and he was definitely very vocal on the pitch. He'd just arrived, man. Ba's goals, a defence that played a consistent line, Ben Arfa, Cisse's goals and luck with injuries got us 5th. ...and imo Jonas' s defensive work along with below average players massively stepping up when needed. Best, Perch, Ryan Taylor and Guthrie. ok,ok. so we all agree it was due to everybody BUT pardew.
  7. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    would rather try Aarons there. neither can tackle but Aarons has little pace to get himself out of trouble.
  8. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    yeah, I really do. seemed the players looked up to him and he was definitely very vocal on the pitch.
  9. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    still think it was cabaye's leadership and cisse's hot streak that lead us to 5th that season rather than any inspiration from pardew.
  10. not as good as the jenas one.
  11. woodgate was the better defender, but colo's better on the ball.
  12. mcclaren getting his excuses in early for dropping him
  13. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    to anyone who want to the game, what did you make of his substitutions today?
  14. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    They've played about 5 games between them They literally couldn't be any worse tho Crazy idea, why would you use two natural left sided players on the left side?? Insane! Aye it might turn out horse s*** but when you're staring down the barrel anything is worth a try, they aren't world beaters but adding a bit of width and choice to our attack making us less predictable must be worth a try at least. they are both right footed.... Aarons is left footed, Mbabu is right footed mbabu is right footed but has a far better left foot than dummet
  15. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    him and mbabu would revitalise or left side and free up wijnaldum. never going to happen under mcclaren.
  16. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    aye, at least pardew would occasionally sub the LB
  17. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    he's just so fucking conservative. same team week after week.
  18. huss9

    Hugo Viana

    really skilful, just lacked a little bit of bottle.
  19. huss9

    Players in public

    my younger boy said afterwards, "if I ever get to meet Ayoze, I think I would just hug him." To which I said, " if I ever get to meet Interpolic, I would do the same."
  20. huss9

    Players in public

    he was just amazing. with a load of his mates and family but took time to talk to each of the kids and ask them about Christmas,etc.
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