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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Graham Carr

    his biggest mistake has been persuading everyone that his mate would be perfect for the manager's job.
  2. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    cheap, meek, and a yes man.
  3. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    got a feeling they'd been told by the club that pardew was off limits. Whereas what with McClaren... they want to sack him? no. I just feel the club may have protected pardew and told BBC Newcastle he was never going to be sacked and told to keep off criticising him. whereas with mcclaren I don't really think they give shit.
  4. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    got a feeling they'd been told by the club that pardew was off limits.
  5. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    and that speaks volumes about charnley and carr.
  6. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    Oh really? Would the point in this? People can change their mind like. Pretty f***ing drastic change from one month to the other with a list of mitigating circumstances, like. wow
  7. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    mcclaren has to go, but it should also make that clueless cunt charnley's position untenable.
  8. he's just trying to cover his own arse for not picking him from the start of the season. been our best player this year.
  9. huss9


    hardest decision i had to make in a while. jacked in my season ticket but my 2 boys aged 7 and 9 are just getting into football and are absolutely obsessed. begged to be taken to SJP. so have started going to home games again. at least they're being brought up as toon fans unlike a lot of their friends knocking about in citeh, chelskea and manure kits. hate the football but its just a great afternoon of bonding (even even if we're bonding over shite).
  10. got nowt off the ref, mind.
  11. not much between the teams first half. they may have edged it but were still poor. after mitrovic's miss at the beginning of the second half, we blatantly just gave in. players didn't even disguise the lack of effort.
  12. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    the guy just hasn't any presence about him. no aura, nothing inspirational. just wet and impotent and pathetic.
  13. he's basically worked out what this club stands for and will be gone the first chance he's got
  14. mbabu has been fit for over 2 weeks. that's whats so bloody annoying, especially with dummett's non-performances.
  15. Dummett was absolutely shite today. they were all crap today (bar Elliot) but at least at left back we have a promising kid in mbabu as a decent back up option, just no excuse to continue playing dummett.
  16. Would like to think we'd keep it tight if we manage to nudge ahead. Ha ha, I see what you did there.
  17. anal oliver at least has a grasp of the English language and grammar.
  18. McLaren came out and openly complained about the pre-season arrangements. no real research or thought had gone into them. carver was mouthing off towards the end of last season how he was already making plans with charnley for preseason training and friendlies.
  19. I agree about the performance.it was s***. but we'd just scraped a first away win for almost a year and managed to climb out of the bottom 3. can u imagine the relief of the players and the fans. not the time for having a go at the players. time to get a bit of momentum going and build some confidence. Seems its never time to get on the players backs you're right, its a hard call but when u get caught up in the emotion, its hard not to celebrate.
  20. I agree about the performance.it was shit. but we'd just scraped a first away win for almost a year and managed to climb out of the bottom 3. can u imagine the relief of the players and the fans. not the time for having a go at the players. time to get a bit of momentum going and build some confidence.
  21. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    think mbabu has to play against mahrez
  22. real shame as he really stepped up against west ham at the end of last season and was good against Southampton first match this season also. looked to be really improving but has regressed again.
  23. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    we are desperate for quality all over. rather concentrate on cb, cf, and cm and use mbabu at lb
  24. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    really fucked up letting abeid go.
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