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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    I wish I could say that was tongue in cheek, but I don't think it was.. whereas HBA.....
  2. huss9


    so dispirited at the moment. feels like we've lost the battle. and only have ourselves to blame. will probably scrape enough draws and wins to stay up and job done for Ashley and pardew.
  3. just getting in. absolutely disgusted with the fans today. real opportunity missed. really tried to give pardew and carver as much bile as possible but not even a wimper from anyone around me in the southwest corner. where was the emotion from the Cardiff game. the cunts in charge have beaten us again. bumped into Slim just before half time - seemed to be really frustrated and in some kind of disagreement with a steward.
  4. huss9


    at last the rest of the country is going to realise why we hate Ashley so much. some decent articles coming out and that new book sounds interesting. just hope sackpardew.com focus on Ashley if pardew ever leaves. the facts and myths about his tenure here have to be publicised as well. the media reported the keegan court case and the findings were astonishing. but the details never get brought up when the rest of the country is telling us to be grateful for Ashley rescuing the club.
  5. he's the club captain, and it shouldnt have taken some dutch kid who's been here 2 minutes to lead the post match appreciation of the fans. Or did he take the anti-pardew abuse too personally.
  6. huss9

    John Carver

    just like jimmy saville, the cunt.
  7. how quickly did you disappear down the tunnel at full time against southampton, you fucking coward.
  8. huss9


    Looks like he's starting to crack, being on the receiving end of that much hate every week can't be healthy, he's got no one to blame but himself though! surely his wife and daughter must have asked him to just walk away.
  9. not good enough for the first team but he would have been a hell of an asset just being in around the squad for motivation and creating a team spirit, especially in bedding in the new players.
  10. huss9


    think we should also show we are not racist and give carver a few rounds of "you fat Geordie bastard, get out of our club!"
  11. huss9


    what about Tuesday's front page ?
  12. huss9


    that's first thing that came to mind. these f***ing idiots, man. and Wraith is p*ssed off as no one has involved him in sackpardew.com and he wasn't bright enough to think of it himself. the best he could come up with was that f***ing funeral procession. hypocritical self-serving c*** as much as Ashley or pardew are.
  13. huss9


    anything going on at bar-loco prematch?
  14. your two posts hope you don't know something... Be careful what you wish for and all that. would take him. at least he scored in the cup final.
  15. huss9


    win, lose or draw, just make sure you give them hell on radio newcastle
  16. 7.34 - the spectator taking one in he face
  17. huss9


    stewart robson on espn.
  18. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20140917/club-statement-jonas-gutierrez_2281670_4151958 Newcastle United can confirm that winger Jonas Gutierrez is continuing to receive treatment in Argentina after being diagnosed with testicular cancer. The Club has been aware of Jonas' condition for some time but has respected his wish for privacy as he undergoes treatment with his friends and family around him. Newcastle United managing director, Lee Charnley, said: "We have and will continue to offer Jonas our full support. "We thank our fans for their kind messages of support for Jonas and the thoughts and best wishes of everyone connected to Newcastle United are with him at this time." The club kindly requests that Jonas' privacy is respected ahead of further enquiries. poor effort, and too late.
  19. wtf? nufc really pissing me off. even the fa, and clubs like schalke have released statements of support. need to get a banner of him akin to the HBA "hope", but with "dignity" and unfurl it on 18 minutes.
  20. think there wont be any problems getting the banners into the ground on Saturday. seems to be what Ashley wants.
  21. huss9

    John Carver

    time for steve stone to step up. he'll get them winning the running.
  22. al last. its been ages since I've looked forward to home game as much as this. cant wait for Saturday. gonna watch some of the lowlights of the past 9 months, have a quick gander at sackpardew.com, few beers and let battle commence!
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