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Everything posted by huss9

  1. “I think I’ve made some calls this year where I could have been a bit more positive tactically". then spoils it by saying it was because he was in the stand. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/liverpool-vs-newcastle-preview-alan-3520145#ixzz31GBdjSaE Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook
  2. "It will be about a performance that makes our fans at least believe we have some good players and just need a couple more to boost it on. I have to be careful how many numbers I use, but I know we need new players." http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/475026/Alan-Pardew-We-will-give-our-all-against-Liverpool?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+daily-express-sport-news+%28Daily+Express+%3A%3A+Sport+Feed%29 well there you go. f***ing backtracking already. Ashley had a quiet word?
  3. "The second half of the season, we weren't. I wasn't good enough and the results weren't good enough for this club, and we need to face that to find the solution. "I will be as honest and frank as I can be as the manager on what I think we could do to improve that, and I am sure there will be opinions from Mike about what I should do better as well, and that's how it should be. "Hopefully we get the right solution for us to have a season like we had two years ago when we were competing at the top of the Premier League." Asked if he expected to still be at the helm at the start of next season, Pardew replied: "I hope so." starting to come out with this shit too late. looks like he really is starting to fear for his job.
  4. huss9

    Players in public

    you sure he didn't say "pretty"?
  5. "The most important thing is that you have a responsibility at Newcastle to play the game on the floor, play with passion and speed and play with an integrity. Those principles, I stand by and next year, I expect to deliver on those." Starts off very well, then fucks it up with his next breath. what a twat.
  6. they need to stop the bigger clubs stockpiling players and abusing the loan system. would probably bring down transfer fees also as a result.
  7. time for thread title change "Alan Pardew is Sad"
  8. Tbf it's only a little bit of a winning mentality so we'd probably be in like 11th or 12th. as he says himself, everybody knows he has a bit of a winning mentality so its going to be less of a weapon next year. so probs 13th or 14th.
  9. hard to judge in a league full of poor strikers
  10. we just about beat the bottom team in the league with some desperate goal line defending and 2 goals on the counter right at the end when they were piling forward - yup, see how committed we are. anything other than a victory by at least 2 goals against cardiff should have meant pardew paying the staff bonuses out of his own wages.
  11. definitely. second half against Cardiff.
  12. bet pardew's gutted. how the fuck is he going to follow that next week?
  13. 5-0 down at half time, then 6-0 at FT and pardew telling us how we've kept our dignity by not giving up in the second half.
  14. nufc ban has done wonders for the chronicle's circulation.
  15. http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/pardew-cardiff-spent-lot-money-got-good-players-zaha-loan-united/
  16. “They spent a lot of money Cardiff, they’ve got some good players and Zaha on loan from United is a threat, but we did the job." well fuck me.
  17. and the bugger wont tell me where charnley lives.
  18. just a shame my mate really isn't a big football fan. would have been so much better to be able to get across to charnley how the average toon fan feels.
  19. just spoken to my mate. he and charnley were at a football tournament near Berwick with their kids. charnley and pardew both taken aback by the hostility on saturday. they never expected it to be that bad. charnley mentioned how it was even worse than last season when we were in a relegation fight! he still doesn't get it though, kept saying how we'd finished ninth! pardew really has taken it badly, badly shaken. though no indication of any thoughts of a resignation. told my mate about the behaviour of the stewards on sataurday and about that "headlock" photo. made him promise to mention it to charley when he next saw him. he wont discuss on the pitch stuff though.
  20. Krul and Tiote were fighting over Norwich's game with Chelsea? Odd. you got me! I meant Cardiff.
  21. if he does stay, he needs to change the coaching staff.
  22. I think he knows we're not going to get more than one new striker in.
  23. the hoofball tactical masterplan for the derby was both unbelievable and unforgiveable.
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