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Everything posted by huss9

  1. wow. far too sensible, eloquent and sophisticated for the english game.
  2. i think the goals should be a couple of inches smaller than the men's game.
  3. sliding doors moments in his life. if only he'd gone to manu rather than spuds. if only he'd not gone into that cup final tackle. i'm sure he had made a shitty tackle minutes beforehand?- maybe if he'd gotten a yellow for that it would have changed things. it was glorious seeing him at SJP in the 80's. no one has ever come close. that kid had the lot.
  4. the raoul moat serial starts tonight. but they're not including anthing to do with gazza.
  5. huss9

    Matt Targett

    harsh to judge targett on yestersays performance. give him a couple of games.
  6. really pissed me off that one. still should have been able to prevent the goal though.
  7. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    those that stayed behind did give the lads a decent reception at the end tbh.
  8. bad day at the office, but our lack of pace at the back was brutally exposed. also, their fullbacks always seemed to be in acres of space and ready to receive the ball. just a very strange performance.
  9. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    no loud abuse/grief to the players from the upper tier, but loads left with over 10 minutes to go. should be docked loyalty points, thats if they had any to start with.
  10. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    no. we sang it to them, then they ended up singing it back back to us when we fell silent for long periods. just hate us singing it, thats all.
  11. huss9

    Dan Burn

    he's got to stop his habit of grabbing players especially on corners. always feel he's likely to give away a freekick or pel.
  12. they were chucking themselves to the floor in response to the slightest nudge - watkins in particular. ref never got a grip. not why we lost though, but it was frustrating.
  13. the villa fans we spoke to today after the game were all really canny - i think they were a little shell shocked to be honest.
  14. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    well, the "your support is fucking shit" chant really came back to bite us on the bum today.
  15. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    qpr. i think thats bob hazell.
  16. sounds like wilson had a tough as fuck upbringing.
  17. i think limiting the time is an important issue. and also restricting how much they can slow the film down. but there's no remedy for absolute stupidity. should be 1 obvious error and you're suspended for a week or two.
  18. maybe they need a neutral ex pro in the VAR room - but the official has the last word as to whether it has to be revied by the ref.
  19. tbf its one of the few things the new owners have screwed up. the leak to the press on the eve of an important european game for them was bad form.
  20. huss9

    Anthony Gordon

    should be up on the wall in the training ground and the chaning room.
  21. huss9

    St James' Park

    and great for the local economy.
  22. tbh citeh fans are the least offensive/obnoxious of rest of the "big 7" . (we being the nicest, of course)
  23. huss9

    Nick Pope

    got lucky again when he came out. jumped up with his back turned and erm out - lucky again it hit him on the back. he's brilliant but he's always inches from a red.
  24. the shite decisions against brighton havent just adversely affected them, its directly affected us and manu also by keeping spurs in the race for champions league. apologies mean nothing if they have to be made than once.
  25. where was BDB in the build up to the first pel?
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