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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Saw the geordie barmaid from Emmerdale inside the ground after the match....the highlight of my season so far lol
  2. I wish so much that the club would leave him to rot, put him in the reserves and leave him there i dont know how long he has on his contract but 2 years in the reserves would be just punishment for me. Mind i know it will never happen like coz he is a financial asset and all that but one can only hope :-)
  3. Philip Watters, 19 year old utility player. Currently unattached but using his spare time working for network rail which has made him look very much like a 25 year old. A very physical player would fit nicely into our midfield at the moment, has a physique similar to Micky Quinn and a work rate similar to Laurent Robert. Not the most gifted but has a neat first touch and a eye for hole.
  4. I'm actually sitting in the train station waiting to come home from the Match and quite simply I'm embarrassd, yes it was more then terrible today but chanting for Keegan, shearer, ashley out, were shit and sick of it etc etc is quite simply pathetic, so many of our fans here today are fuckng kids without a clue. I agree it's awefull but it's doing no good singing about how shit we are, Blackburn fans are standing laughing at us, not the team US. !!!!
  5. Terrible performance, simple as that. Yes they are a better team then us not as much as that result will show, we were absolutely shocking !
  6. PCW1983

    Lee Cattermole

    A fine example of this wanker !! Had that been Barton or anyone of our players there would be a fucking witch hunt underway !!
  7. In a ideal world id go for, Warnock, Larssonand a centre midfield loan man....not sure who though
  8. My lass is a Forest fan so ive been to a few of their games this year and this has already been mentioned whilst ive been there, i just thought it was them wishing really (SA for them would be a coup in their eyes). He would prob do ok for them IMO but like i said when they asked me, give it 6 month and they will be begging for Calderwood to come back.
  9. PCW1983


    I got told today Blyth will get 80k for it being on tele, not bad really shame its a long trip for them.
  10. I thought the 20m he was going to put into the club every season would be used as a addition to the transfer kitty the club itself had already generated.
  11. Did you fart with confidence or did you get that feeling it could be a bit sticky/wet? Always go to the bog if there is any doubt in your mind. There was no doubt in my mind that it would be gas only, a mind that was swilling aound in a gallon of diesel like, there being the mistake.
  12. Gallowgate last year v's Man utd, farted and shit myself.......gutted
  13. Given Coloccini Taylor Bassong Enrique Geremi Guthrie N'Zogbia Owen Duff Xisco Id play like this and tell Duff and Owen to rotate to suit themselves, cant see it happening though.
  14. PCW1983

    Joe Kinnear

    Aye i was in raffertys the day and a journo from the sunday mirror told me that, he was tring like hell to stir up some anger lol
  15. Just heard possibly the worst piece of journo ever when i switched on SSN "Sky sports news understands that TV has a 50/50 chance of becoming Newcastle manager" 50/50, yes/no, honestly how pathetic !!!!
  16. If we are to keep the current DOF setup then i couldnt see Bruce agreeing to join us, with this setup i think it will only be a european coach/manager who will join. But id have Bruce if he could run things his way.
  17. peasepud, HTT and gemmill iirc Yeah but who are they ?
  18. So there was a public meeting, then a further meeting to elect the commitee, who are they ?
  19. Just like Northumbria Police, the black box has disapeared
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