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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Dont agree that its pathetic but i do think that a lot of people have jumped on the bandwagon because its something to whinge about, i heard some lads saying on the metro that they were going up to St James yest just to see if things "kicked off" Its the little things thats pissed me off about EG:One of my mates on Facebook updates his profile saying "Fuck Ashley, everyone boycott the Hull game" Same fella aint ever been to a game and prob couldnt tell you the starting eleven for the last match or even how much a ticket would cost. Too many people jumping on the bandwagon is what im trying to say. IMO of course ;-)
  2. What a bastard. No one else ever does this. Did I say they didn't? I think you'll find I said that IMO anyone who does that is a twat. I wasn't having a go to you, it was the fact they have "passed it on to the police" No probs mate. I did think the same myself. The video is on here: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2008/09/05/the-rogue-in-a-range-rover-on-his-way-to-see-his-probation-officer-115875-20724473/ Notice when it cuts off! Just as the journalist is about to go through the red light him/herself!! I wonder if they've passed the full video to the police so that he/she gets done as well! Yeah i thought that about the journo too, what gives them the right to commit the same offence IE: Driving through the bus lanes, not that im defending Barton like but im pretty sure those bus lanes have certain times when you can enter them although judging from the traffic i wouldnt have thought that was one of those times :-) If the police do decide to take action which i highly doubt he can use Sir Alex's, Beckhams, Ferdinand's etc etc excuse and say that he was trying to get away from the journo's lol
  3. PCW1983


    Ill be going against Hull unless Wise is in charge, If Dennis Wise somehow gets the job i will not be renewing my season ticket, ive signed up for the 3 year deal but if this ends up the case i will cancel the direct debit and instruct my bank ti refuse any payment. Dennis Wise in charge = A Gateshead season ticket for me next year .
  4. Just out of interest ive just had a deek over the fence, can anyone guess what 21 of the 36 first page threads are about ??
  5. Tell ya what, it will be interesting to see if he is in the away end at West Ham !!!
  6. I cant believe this, were once again being dragged throught the mud, splashed all over the news for the wrong reasons, i personally dont want Keegan to be sacked/resign if thats what is going to happen but know matter what happens my opinion of Mr Ashley has took a severe down turn. The club really doesnt need this and Newcastle could do without it, know doubt Sky will interview a right little scroat for the nation to watch and think how uneducated and roughish we all must be. Im not sure what other peoples experiences have been but for a long time now i feel like Newcastle United has given the rest of the country something to laugh at and make fun of, when FF left a thought that would slowly eb away but infact its got worse now. Mike Ashley has lost my vote for sure.
  7. Ive just looked over the fence http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=342374
  8. Barton: Given the boot by Nike Newcastle midfielder Joey Barton has had a lucrative sponsorship deal terminated following his spell in prison. Barton was convicted for assault and affray in May before being released earlier this week after serving 74 days of a six-month sentence. Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan pledged to give Barton a second chance over the weekend and club officials confirmed on Tuesday that he would be staying at St James' Park. However, sportswear giant Nike ended their £40,000 annual boot sponsorship deal with the player back in May and they will not be giving him another opportunity. A spokesman said: "We have provision in all our sponsorship contracts that take into account any actions by an athlete that bring the brand into disrepute. "While Joey is a talented footballer, we cannot condone or accept what he did. "Back in May when he was found guilty, we immediately terminated his contract. "We certainly have no plans to re-sign him now that he has been released." http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11678_3885934,00.html Now while i completely understand that this kind of saga is going to attract bad press the statement seems to sound like Nike have been approched about it, the headlines make out that its just happened but in truth it happened in May and Sky have went looking for it. Would that have happens for many other clubs ? personally i dont think so.
  9. Malbranque is the only one id have tbh, Diouf is good but i fucking hate the guy, Chimbonda is a piece of shit who has only signed for the mega money they will have offered him and will be out more in Newcastle then he will be at the SOS and as for Tainio i know fuck all about him.
  10. What a pile of crap, tried loads and still cant log in....fucking shite
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjRoic6yXDg&feature=related
  12. My manager asked me what i thought of his assistant today, my response "He has the man mangement skills of Joey Barton" :-)
  13. Anyone who has virgin media broadband can read this fir the ninth place spot of top ten most hated football teams. "Massive club" and "loyal fans" - the "Geordie Nation" has won nothing since Elvis was a teenager, and most of their fans were mysteriously absent from the paltry 11,000 that used to turn out in Division 2 in 1991. See also: Bowyer/Dyer/Bellamy/Bramble/Shearer all in one team, and fat fans with no shirts who weep on cue for the TV. Arseholes
  14. Anyone listening to the legends at the mo ?? A few callers have been talking absolute rubbish about both takeovers.....these people need to get out more !!!
  15. Its not the topic that should die ;-)
  16. Horrible cheating cockney scum, no fucking dignity.....its the type of players like malouda and dog-ba that as skillfull as they are have ruined the english game forever....pack you bags and fuck off back to the ivory coast you horrible cheating bastard.
  17. Prob not as bad as the paper's would make out but hopefully it will be worse and they will drown in their own shit !!!!!
  18. PCW1983

    Booing Chopra

    If your a geordie playing for the mackems you have to expect it simple as that really, IMO its just a bit of banter but obviously some people would take it further.
  19. No, decent player in a poor team, we really need to set our sights higher.
  20. I reckon he is more of a go between between the players and the management, if the players have a problem they take it to terry who takes it to management and trys to resolve it for each party, with both playing squads and coaching staff getting so big nowadays personally i dont think its a bad thing.
  21. Ok people, I know you all will have thought it at one point of your life but been to afraid to ask the question, well im going to ! How does all the little bits of fake grass get into your trainers from the JJB soccerdome ? Honestly my trainers are full of the stuff, looks like ive cut the astroturf and put the cuttings into my trainers....un-fucking belivable, nearly as much as the price £47 for an hour....ripping bastards !!!!!!!!!!! Suerly the is someone bright enough to tell me the answer and put millions of lost soles out of their misery at the same time.
  22. PCW1983

    Who HAS TO go?

    Terry Mac and maybe Chris Mort, id keep the rest for litter picking duties
  23. Damien Duff has the same thing, nothing new really
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