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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Id like to see Kevin Doyle Lewis Mcgugan Chris Cohen (possibly) Giles Barnes Michael Chopra Harper Beye Taylor Bassong Enrique Butt Barnes Duff Guthrie Doyle Chopra I do think Bassong will prob leave but ill leave it to Al to find a replacement Id would hope that we will try and sign some young lads that are keen to impress and players that if hopefully we can get promoted first time we can still blood them into the Premiership as well as using some of our own youngsters such as Ranger, LuaLua and Carroll.
  2. I fancy Forest being stronger next year, can see Davies building a good strong side and because of their higher attendances should have money to spend.
  3. Just woke up and feel nervous/sick now, really am dreading the match, gonnago have a walk around our hotel because Beyonce is stopping here so hopefully she will sing me a song and restore some calm to my drink infused stomach :-) TOON TOON !!
  4. Me and my mate who i sit next to at the match found 20p at our chairs last year, i bet him it that Alan Smith would score, needless to say he didnt however every game he brings the 20p and we put it down by the chairs in front of us, nearly 2 seasons now.
  5. Stay up or go down im going on the sick for a week after :-)
  6. Couldnt agree more, remember when everyone wanted Westham to go down when they were struggling a couple of seasons ago. Its just the way football is, people will take the piss and in the next sentence say they hope we get back up next year.
  7. Suppose its hard to say how ill feel if the worst is to happen however ive made a plan in my head to be so upbeat its sickening to any Villa fans we come across, i know it wont take many insults to end this but ill try :-) The original plan was that my lass was coming to this match with me and three mates, she's mad on football but supports Forest, we've decided its prob for the best that she doesnt now though so another mate is going instead. First time ive ever done this but i think its the first time ive ever been worried about the atmosphere after the match and tbh its easier to just have to look after yourself without worrying about where she is :-)
  8. It's so east to accuse the fans, yes it wasn't as loud as the boro game but someone wants to tell that dork the saeason is played over 38 games not one home game, we pay to go they get paid stupid money for "playing"
  9. Going out on limb, win this and were safe imo
  10. Personally I don't understand why more players don't, yes money is prob the biggest reason but tbh if I thought I could earn what I do now playing abroad I would without thinking, I might be wrong but I think too many young kids at acadamies must be under the impression that they are the next big thing, my example: Lee Martin of Man Utd, started the season on loan at forest who sent him back coz they realized he was shit, now playing for Man Utd reserves strutted round St James a month ago like he was the next Cantona.
  11. Dont some players rub vaseline under their eyes to stop the heat affecting their vision when they start sweating ?
  12. Carroll should start over Amadonkey, it seems a shame that it needed the players to get rattled before they performed.
  13. PCW1983

    Players in public

    S Taylor in cinema last night acting like a gay child !
  14. Kinnear-DOF, Calderwood-Manager, Houghton-Assistant This is the unfortunate event that i see folding out in front of us !
  15. PCW1983

    U23s & Academy

    Thought Ranger done well tonight, used his strength and pace well, Xisco was OK but to me seemed a little lazy, Guthrie's passing was woe full at times but finished well. Liked the look of the RB and Lough at LB going forward. As for Cacapa, we just need to hope that he never pulls on a toon shirt again, shit, shit, shit !! Man U's Macheda looks very very promising for me, pacey as hell. Good game, fair result.
  16. Stoke, Boro and us unfortunely. Chelsea and Arsenal will get us down into that group, boro will come and put 5 if not six in midfield and play for a draw, we might get points off Pompy but having to go to Villa possibly needing points to stay in the league will kill us because we are good enough to beat the but same as the reason we haven't took the points we have this year our management team isnt good enough to play to our strengths and exploit the weaknesses of our opponents. I plan on going to the Villa game and fully expect it to be the most heart breaking day of my 25 years.
  17. Dont be so fucking stupid man !!!
  18. I never dreamed at the start of the season that come March 12th Id be looking at a thread like this :-(
  19. Just had a look on my Facebook and noticed his status has been updated to....."Dnt hate the player hate the game.....SNM" "Underneath that he has put don't mention dat name on my page" Seems Mr Ranger is unhappy with a fellow pro, i predict Andy Carroll for getting on the bench over him :-)
  20. PCW1983

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Pulled O'Shea to bits last night, excellent performance and is linking really well with Enrique
  21. Thought he was excellent last night and over the last few weeks, keep it up lad :-)
  22. Nothing but NUSC propaganda, both NUFC and "NUSC" seem quite content doing nothing but arguing with each other, horrible bitchy comments thats only ever going to alienate fans from both. Personally i wish "NUSC" would just fuck off because for me they have so far done nothing.
  23. Again both parties to blames for me, I do feel that this will be used as a excuse if our transfer spending isn't high and Keegan should be ashamed if he is wanting 9 million. I wasn't keen on him coming back and now it's reenforced my view that he done it for the money and nothng else.
  24. Yeah I'm renewing, always will no matter what happens, sounds very naive I know but I love the club and tbh I pesonally don't see the point of not renewing because of MA.
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