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Everything posted by danny_nufc

  1. Aye Shola loves daft hats. he's got a massive collection and there "very important to him" or something according to his slot on footballers cribs.
  2. I think Petrovs a class signing for man city, espcially at the price they paid. Elano looks class to though. Having said that, I always said id love to see Joey Barton at the Toon.
  3. Who would have predicted we'd finish 4th in 01/02 after the 00/01 season when we finished 11th? While I would be pretty happy with finishing 9th-7th, and delighted with 6th-5th, I dont think finishing 4th is out of the question. Our competition looks like being Arsenal, who are also in a transitional period and lacking a proven goalscorer, and I fancy them to drop points, particually away from home. Theres Spurs who have had shite start and looked very poor, and maybe Everton, who have got little depth - injuries to any of arteta, johnson or lescott could really fuck them in my opinion. Im not by any means demanding or even expecting a 4th place finish, and I completely understand Allardyce trying to play down expections. However I dont think theres anything wrong with optimism and aiming high, when its backed up by facts. Remember he was close last year with Bolton, with only a few players of the calibre of Shay, Barton, Viduka, Owen, Milner, Oba, Geremi etc.. and we'll look even better if Roz, Cacapa and Enrique settle in, and Taylor comes on even more. Anyway im off to find easyjets website so I can book some nice early cheap 1p flights to Barcelona and Milan!
  4. Agreed. I don't even really like derby days. Their great if you win obviously, but im too nervous, wound up and generally shitting myself they might get some sort of result to enjoy them. They certainly bring out a very nasty side of me as well, its nothing to be proud of but I cant help wishing death on every one of the fuckers for the 90 mins. I would be delighted they never darkened the SJP doors again.
  5. for a terrible moment when I read the title of this thread I thought we'd got the tashy twat back as a coach or something. Ridiculous I know but thats what first popped into my head. Jesus.
  6. 4-4-2, Carroll and Oba up front frst half, Owen and Shola second. Cheers mate. Interesting that, id assumed he'd play the same 4-3-3/4-5-1 as he did at Bolton and (im told) Notts County.
  7. what was the formation like? 4-4-2, 4-3-3 or what? sorry if its been said but ive scanned through the whole thread and I couldn't see it stated. just interested cos im assuming the formation in these games 'll be the one Sams planning to start with against Bolton.
  8. but they weren't Rangers fans. They're probably the same people excited about Rozenhal. Best not to make a judgement until they've been seen in action, otherwise there'll always be someone to say "told you so". To be fair I lived in Glasgow at the time and every Rangers fan I spoke to was raving about Boumsong, and they were dissapointed to lose him even at the price we paid. He was also highly rated with us at first, I believe he was in the top 3 of 'players you'd least like to leave' in the Mag end of season poll.
  9. He's already much better than Gillespie ever was. Great news. He isn't, he's an average player who stood out last season because of his battling qualities when everyone else had given up on Roeder, same goes for Butt. Geremi's a better winger than him. I think milner is underrated by alot of people. He didn't just stand out for his excellent workrate, his willingness to take on a man, his crossing and his shooting are very good for a 21 year old. Yes, he's got plenty of room for improvement, but that just makes him a even more exciting player. As for comparisons with Gillespie id take milner now over Gillespie in his peak anyday. Gillespie rarely looked up and his whole game was basically about pace. I think alot of people look back fondly on him because he was part of the Keegan team and had one great game against Barca. He was average if that overall though, and at his best wouldn't have given us nearly as much as milner last season. If he was a geordie who came through the ranks he wouldn't get any jip at all, everyone would be calling him the next chris waddle.
  10. He's already much better than Gillespie ever was. Great news.
  11. I think the guy's got a point. If it weren't for all the feel-good factor of a new manager, new owner and the promise of tonnes of cash, people would not be shouting from the rooftops about the signings of Viduka, Barton and Rozehnal. Viduka would be considered a lazy old parasite, Barton would be here to mess up the dressing room, Rozehnal would be some random cheapo signing from the French league to 'paper over the cracks', and Geremi would be 'another Chelsea reject here for the money'. Some people are taking the best out of everything and not taking a step back to look at things objectively. These are the same people who, when things are going badly, label Dyer a talentless waste of space and will be doing the same with Barton or Viduka when we inevitably lose a couple of games on the trot. Sam is a better manager than Roeder but not all of his signings will be a success, maybe not even the majority, and I think if he's going in for Edmilson despite a serious knee injury at this stage in his career then he's taking a gamble, one I think we don't need to take considering our financial situation. For me Edmilson has all the hallmarks of a Shepherd signing. I agree, im actually really suprised about how optimistic people seem to be. Alot of people never wanted Allardyce in the first place, and would slag him off non stop when he was at Bolton. Last season everyone was overcome with relief that we never signed Viduka, altogh admiitedly he just had a decent season at Boro. I remember the mood being ambivelent when we were linked with Barton in the past, and noones even heard of Rozenhal. I have to agree Edmilson seems a ridiculous signing. As someone whos had plenty of trouble with my own right knee, 3 operations in 3 years suggests he's fucked. Sam made some cracking signings at Bolton, but he signed plenty of flops as well. The difference with Edmilson seems to be he would'nt be on a years contract or a few grand a week, hed be on big money for a long time, and we could be stuck with him. Its great to have some optimism around the place again, and I am looking forward to next season, but I cant help thinking everyones going a bit OTT with their faith in Allardyce, to the point where there not looking at this signing objectively.
  12. danny_nufc

    The New Anfield.

    See, if you support a club that doesn't have rivals *in the same city* you're more likely to have that kind of approach, but if you share your city with a rival (or in our case, two), the idea of having the gurning, knuckle-dragging, under-evolved scum anywhere near your historic ground is about as appealing as a jab up the shitter with a red hot poker, no matter what kind of financial sense it may make. I don't even like having them here for the derby game, let alone have them playing their home games there. Actually, cup semi finals and the sight of the Holte End full of, say, Man United supporters used to make me come out in hives. The very notion of the bluescum there is just too awful to consider. So, all in all, that's a "no" from me. Completely agree. The stadiums a massive part of fans' collective identity. To share it with your biggest rivals would be unbearable. How could you take pride in a ground if theres fans you hate sitting in your seat half the time? Its a horrible idea I always hate it when it gets suggested for any other clubs, obviously its something we never have to worry about, thank fuck. what a load of bollocks bob.
  13. Answer me this. Who has a better goals:game ratio than Crouch for England? Answer = NO ONE. NOE ONE IS BETTER THAN CROCUH FOR ENGLAND David Nugent?
  14. I really hope this isnt true he's been fucking terrible every time ive seen him.
  15. What makes you say this? Ive heard that a from a few places actually, apparantly his nicknames 'hollywood' because he thinks/acts like he's a superstar. Obviously I dont know whether its true or not like, and im not claiming to be 'ITK' or anything, but ive heard it a few times from different people.
  16. He was a guest on football focus and he said he wasn't interested.
  17. Id stick a tenner on Gary Speed to get the Bolton job like. Always seems highly rated and I think a team like Bolton would be better taking a risk with someone like Speed who would have a chance of being really good, rather that going for some established mediocre manager, which is probably all they could attract. Cant see Anelka sticking around for long either.
  18. swings and roundabouts isn't it. We all want to pay less, but we all want better performance and better players, or more money spent on better players. Its got to come from somewhere. Its no use people moaning if the club doesn't buy quality players if they are not prepared to pay for it. The vast majority of the ground isn't particularly expensive within premiership prices. Yes, some clubs are cheaper, and some clubs are more expensive. It's also too expensive for some people. If someone lives outside Newcastle, its more expensive again, especially if they live a distance outside Newcastle or even the North East. This problem is far deeper ranging than NUFC's ticket prices. Theres a matter of principle here as well. If footballs a business (as we are regularly told, and im sure Shepherd believes, it is) then what sort of business can serve up a shit product - and even NE5 must accept on the whole the 'product' or entertainment served up at St James has been shit - then increase the price of that product and still expect people to pay? I fully intent to renew my season ticket if prices are reduced or even if they stay the same, but dont think ill be able to bring myself to do it if they go up. Not because I cant afford it, I probably could at a push, but because ill fell like im being taken for granted and treated like a total idiot. It's also not very helpful comparing the situation now to the one in the 80s/early 90s either. Yes, the players probably wern't of the same standard they are now, but I can guarantee the average ticket price wasn't £600 either, in real terms. Would you have still bought one if it had been? When does your 'loyalty' stop and the ticket become too expensive? £700? £1000? £2000? Or do you pay regardless untill you bankrupt yourself? People are thinking about not renewing not because their shit fans, but because footballs a very expensive hobby (the fact that it might be more expensive elsewhere is irrelevant) and this season people simple havn't been recieving value for money. Yes, our fans are loyal, but to suggest fans should happily and ignorantly pay any price regardless of feeling like they are being treated like mugs and the sub standard football being served upis total bollocks.
  19. Aye my great uncle used to work down the mines in cambois, must have been between the 30s and the 60s, and he used to tell us every week the pit would arrange a trip to the match, alternating between us and the mackems, so I suppose alot would end up supporting both. I assume it was the same for Ashington, Bedlington etc... Always thought that was canny interesting, was your grandad a miner like? might explain it. But nah to answer the original question I dont know of anyone supporting both nowadays. Some stupid lasses or toffs who know fuck all about football might say they do, but noone whose opinion you'd take seriously.
  20. danny_nufc


    I still think Parkers a better player than Jenas, and I think selling Jenas and buying Parker for less was good business, although Im sure others on here will disagree. Parker has got the ability to grab a game by the scruff of the neck and dominate a midfield, something Jenas never did. perfect examples are Arsenal last season, and I thought he was excellent against Liverpool a few months ago. He was superb for us last season and at the start of this one untill he broke Jimmy Bullard's leg, and people saying his absence from the team last season was the reason for our improved form is bollocks imo - surely it was because of the sacking of Souness around the same time. I think its clear Parker has suffered from having to play next to another defensive player in Butt or a ineffective Emre, and not really knowing what his role is - something that is down to the management. He's been poor at times this season, but he hasn't been as consistently poor as Jenas was. I think playing in a largely unsuccesful team and having the captaincy have caused people to notice his faults far more than they ever noticed JJ's.
  21. danny_nufc


    You see, I'd be thinking there were other contenders for that particular crown. Aye im not saying he's the worst player we've had or anything, but apart from his first season and a half he was very poor for us, but his reputation continued to grow, probably because of his age and his inexplicable inclusion in every England squad. Thats what sets him apart. every other overrated player we get comes with a good reputation, and leaves with a shit one. Luque, Boumsong etc... His steadily improved despite woeful performances. So thats why I think he deserves the most overrated crown!
  22. danny_nufc


    I thought his 'goal' summed him up to be honest. He was obviously standing a good few yards offside with his team in possension and didn't bother his arse getting back on. he's a lazy posing bastard and probably the most overrated player I''ve ever seen for us. The fact that we made money on him is a miracle in my opinion. But aye, he did well to get out when he did, for a better run, better managed club which plays far more attractive football. Im sure the trainings better too.
  23. Looks like a Grimsby Town Kit.
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