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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Lotus

    João Pedro

    Yeah, I’m wondering if Ramos is us. If we can afford both so those surely we’d have enough for a higher Maddison bid.
  2. Lotus

    João Pedro

    This was a very cursory search: Raphinha is a winger De Jong a CM other 3 CBs 1st they went in for Kimpembe, no agreement. Ake was after, when the was knocked back because MC wanted too much they switched to Kounde. Definite gap between Ake and Kounde it seems (just from,a cursory Google) How,are Chelsea gonna convince Kounde he’s gonna be their star defender and bedrock of their team if they’re bidding for someone lose at the same time? I would’ve thought that would hurt a players ego.
  3. Lotus

    João Pedro

    As another poster said before, some people are being blinded by the romance of the takeover. I’m sure everyone is happy with AS and MG and the direction of the club. I know I am. It’s chalk and cheese. I’m totally into football again. Doesn’t mean the new team are incapable of making a misstep though. And while that’s easy to agree with ‘in theory’ peeps can be unwilling to actually call out a fuck up for what it is seen as going against the crowd. Pope - good Burn - good Trippier - good (since injury, very good before) Targett - good Bruno - very good Wood - awful rest of forwards recruitment strategy - appears disjointed and puzzling
  4. Lotus

    João Pedro

    Help me out here, which players have Chelsea had confirmed bids for, same players at the same time? Not ‘links’ actual confirmed bids. Not trying to start a row, genuinely wondering. Reason I’m discounting links is because it’s clearly bollox over 99% of the time so useless as any kind of data.
  5. Lotus

    Joe Willock

    Or, how about EH converts Joelinton into a goal machine? iirc JL has had some experience playing up front before.
  6. Lotus

    João Pedro

    Not really aware of other clubs bidding for players for the same position at the same time. Maybe they do….
  7. Lotus

    João Pedro

    If this guy only plays as a CF, why are bidding for him and Ramos (also only really a CF) at the same time? Based on the proviso that the English club bidding for Ramos is us, of course..
  8. Lotus

    João Pedro

    No, he cost £6m. That’s a very very different price point.
  9. Lotus

    João Pedro

    We could’ve got any cunt to run and around and press and offer nothing in front of goal or link up play from any number of leagues around the world for considerably less than £25M. You don’t need premier league experience to be shit in the opponents half (when we have the ball, he is good when we don’t).
  10. Lotus

    João Pedro

    If this is genuine, why didn’t we bid for him when Etikite went to PSG? if he was a real and pre planned target, why is it taking until now? Theres something seemingly amiss with our strategy regarding the recruitment of forwards. We can all have lots of faith but if I just look at the evidence, we’ve signed Chris Wood (who was a waste of money and I can’t think of it as anything else) and apart from that, nothing. Unlucky with Etikite, Under bid for Maddison (ludicrously so), and now have a bid turned down for this nipper. I can’t make a pattern out of the bids (I’m ignoring the rumours and twitter ‘links’). I would reckon one of Ashworth’s major jobs is to find a good head of recruitment.
  11. Not sure we ever expected to sign him tbh. You certainly don’t go in for a player of that quality with such a low bid. Think we may have been using the process to demonstrate to another team/player that we’re only willing to bid so much and will walk away.
  12. If we sign ( I know........) a CF, Wilson can play as a RF now and again I reckon.
  13. We've all seen our points can cover bad performances, see Pardew 5th. We're not at a stage of our development where by points are good enough if the occasional performance is sub par. A few games last season we stole a result, that's a fact. So far this season, we've had a jog about against Forest and have been run ragged by a toothless but brilliantly coached Brighton. I certainly have lots of faith, I really do. I want to see some evidence that we've pushed on from last season though. And......there's 10,000s of pro players in the world. It can't be hard to find an upgrade for the money available. Nearly all other teams manage it. We must have set ourselves some ridiculously stringent criteria to not find an upgrade on someone who can't pass or shoot.
  14. What? They played some great balls into our box. Don't think our back 4 was 'rock solid' at all. Pope was excellent and they couldn't finish for shit.
  15. Lotus

    Nick Pope

    Kept us in it today. Top performance.
  16. Brighton are FAR more than the sum of their parts. What an excellently coached team. If they had a goal scorer they'd be really dangerous.
  17. From my POV we’ve got f*** all options to pick from apart from Burn or Botman. So, probably unchanged unless we get an injury in training. Fwiw, I think Bruno’s slide rule passes into the channel between the CB and FB suit a right footer so I would’ve given Murphy a go if Maxi HAS to stay on the left.
  18. Was reported his agent was being a dick, so he sacked him.
  19. He’s performed so much better then I expected and so far, way above his price tag. That becomes a burden if the recruitment team expect every player they want to be that much better than the price. You only get THAT lucky now and again.
  20. Gtilitsch on a free fills the Shelvey sized hole in our squad.
  21. Isn’t Florian Grilitsch still unsigned? DM with a good all round game.
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