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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Lotus


    Well, he clearly said yesterday he sees him as ana attacker who’s defensive side of the game is very good. I think we’ll see him in Willock’s role. Of the mid 3, the one tasked with getting closer to the striker and also the one who presses the highest.
  2. Incidentally I thought Gordon like a good player in the making. Good physicality, good feet and plenty of bite in him too. Wish Newcastle could develop players like him.
  3. Not sure that's fair re: the Everton game. I watched the whole game again but just focused on the middle 3. Sometimes Shelvey would close down higher up the pitch but if he did the other 2 would hang back. Anyway, EH said he was a 6 in the Villa pre game talk and I guess it's the best place to use him for now. I would replace him asap with a better player if we can in the summer. Interestingly EH called JL an attacking player. JL for Willock and Bruno in JL's old spot. Shelvey to stay is my bet.
  4. Rewatched the Everton game. Shelvey made quite a few interceptions, knicking the ball from in front of his man too. From what I could see he did more of that than Joelinton (who I thought looked a little less sharp than usual - EH has said he didn't train much recently). Shelvey's got good close control and his passing, even first touch, was very assured. He also ran quite a bit, he's just a bit slow. He has got strength of the ball though. His positioning was pretty disciplined. What caught him out a bit was quick midfielders running off his shoulder. He just hasn't got the pace to get back. Based on the Everton game I wouldn't be looking to drop him. I think Willock rather than Shelvey is most at risk of losing his place to Bruno.
  5. Lotus

    Ryan Fraser

    As he had a goal and an assist he clearly had an effect on the game. However, apart from energy I can’t really see that he’s offering much if I’m judging the season so far rather than just the 1 game. Seems a great guy but he’s the most droppable player for me atm.
  6. Lotus

    Miguel Almirón

    I’d be surprised if he’s here next season but it’s way too early to conclude he won’t play a role in this one. im sure EH will keep working with him and hopefully he’ll find a useful role in our survival.
  7. I'd be surprised if EH didn't want to see if he can slowly revert JL to an attacker. Doesn't have to be as a striker, but at least someone who is tasked with affecting the game a little further up the pitch. I think ideally Bruno plays in JL's role. The 2 issues with that are; 1) Shelvey isn't anywhere good enough as a DM and maybe Bruno could do that very well but then he couldn't do the other stuff he clearly does extremely well, and 2) what do you do with JL?
  8. Personally I think Bruno will start against Villa.. I think Howe may want to see if JL can be a little more effective a bit further up the pitch. Reckon Bruno for JL in the middle and JL instead of Fraser but not quite playing the same role. Aim to help team press higher up the pitch.
  9. Tbf he may have thought the Everton player was gonna knock it past him and set up something decent so he just decided to chop him, take a yellow and allow us to reset. If so, nothing wrong with the decision making process there. Just that the tackle ended being a bit heavy for my liking. Was expecting a red.
  10. I think he’ll get some match sharpness and familiarity with his teammates and look better.
  11. Lotus

    Matt Targett

    Very good defensive positioning. Keeps that up I guess it may give Trippier a bit more license to bomb forward. He’s not great going forward but at least he’s very good at his primary job. Very happy to have him.
  12. Could he have handed in his notice a while ago and worked through some of it but BHA have decided the remaining will be on gardening leave?
  13. Let’s see where we are in the summer 1st. And I agree, in 2 or 3 years let’s see how they’re all doing. If we’re moving in the right direction fast enough I’m sure changes will be made. Incredibly rich people are rarely incredibly patient.
  14. Well, we’ll have to see what he’s about in due course. We’re not a club trying to move from the top 8 to the top 4, we’re trying to get ourselves into 17th and from where we are, Brighton are streets ahead of us wrt to organisation and the implementation of a consistent philosophy.
  15. Yeah, I’m not sure why people are confusing a DoF with a scout.
  16. Without Wilson nor Wood our goal threat is incredibly limited. We’ll obvs need goals from midfield. I, like everyone else, haven’t seen a goal threat from JL. Perhaps JL as false 9 to try and hold the ball up for a couple of seconds until ASM, Willock and Bruno can get close to him would offer something of a problem. We’ve all seen you can’t bang the ball up to him and hope he holds it but it worked the channels, dropped deep to lay it off, maybe it could help us move up the pitch until Wood is fit (if his toe problem keeps him out too). If Wood plays JL should stay in MF or as link player if he can.
  17. Am I getting this wrong? I thought it unlikely Ashworth will be scouting any players. He’ll tasked with identifying and employing the scouts who found the likes of Mahrez and Kante. He will set up those depts and they will report to him. It will be up to him, I would imagine to got those players signed on at the club once the scout has actually tapped them up (joke/ prolly not joke….).
  18. Wonder if Howe will try and play Joelinton closer to Wood. Either as a AM or RWF. If Willock is training well then maybe JL goes to RWF to get our better players on the pitch. If not maybe JL as an AM and Muggy at RW/F. I know JL has been great in MF but with Bruno arriving perhaps we can try him closer to goal.
  19. Targett would hopefully relieve ASM of some defensive duties he may have needed to do with Ritchie of Lewis behind him.
  20. Could go: Trippier Jamal Burns Targett Bruno JoeL Ekitike Willock ASM Wood
  21. Saw a stat where Schar didn’t do very well on aerial duels and didn’t play many progressive passes either (surprisingly). At least Lascelles is normally good in the air.
  22. Might see a situation where Joelinton plays as more of wide attacking mid/ deep lying forward off the front man. Think that’s where he played at Hoffenheim. Having Bruno in the middle behind him might allow him to return to his previous position. If Eddie can coax that out of him anyway…
  23. It’s a place In Portugal and there it’s pronounced Gimahreish. Might be a bit different in a Brasilian accent though. Think they don’t tend to do the SH sounds. More like S over there as I understand it.
  24. Lotus

    Diego Carlos

    If Badiashile is back running or even light training I’m sure all the clubs know. If and when he is and if we’re genuinely interested I would think our policy might change re: Carlos.
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