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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. I read Bayern offered Sule more money that Dortmund did. It’s just that Dortmund really wanted him and he felt a bit disrespected at Bayern.
  2. I seriously doubt we’re a option for Nunez. I’m sure he’s looking for a CL club.
  3. Think he’s a tad too slow personally. His defensive skill set is suspect. You can get away with that if you have pace. He doesn’t.
  4. Zagadou likely to be on a free come the summer. Injury record is appalling, like. I mean, there's a reason Dortmund are not renewing but he's one of those players someone could get lucky with. The opposite is also true, of course....
  5. He has a very combative attitude and is already pretty adept at shithousery. Impressive for a 21yr old. He’s also got decent enough pace, some strength to him but more importantly, he’s got good technique and a decent reading of the game. I’m sure Everton fans love and with good reason.
  6. Has Kamara already signed a pre contract deal with anyone?
  7. I’m not sure they’d let him go but I think Gordon is a decent player already and has plenty of potential.
  8. Tbf they had some very very good chances to score. Thought we were pretty lucky they fluffed it, in retrospect.
  9. Just realised he doesn’t lift his knees when he runs.
  10. thought he looked a lot better l doing this. Only Norwich but he clearly he a better contribution to the team.
  11. Aye. I’m still no good but that’s given me a lot of hope. Can still make it!
  12. @WillDanceForChocolate thanks for taking the time. Enjoyed reading that. Bournemouth has had quite an exciting recent history!
  13. Lotus


    Tbf I did suggest he could be moved to play further up the pitch even when he was killing it in midfield. Not that today is sure fire proof he can but it’s a step in the right direction.
  14. Lotus

    Matt Targett

    Bakker is better with the ball tbs and probably quicker too. Fwiw.
  15. Thing about Abraham is that he would be relatively low risk. In that he's much less likely to flop/not reach potential as he knows the league.
  16. Is Tammy Abraham realistic? Because I think he's exactly what we need. Physical but good feet. Strong with back to goal. Good in the air and a hard worker. What's not to like?
  17. Lotus

    Joe Willock

    I think we’re better with him in the side. If he could be effective from wide he would definitely solve some problems.
  18. I think Dortmund might let Julian Brandt go. Certainly plenty of the support wouldn’t be bothered if they did. He’s definitely a project. With his talents and when on form, if he was firing on all cylinders we wouldn’t have a chance. He’s been patchy at best though. I think Howe could definitely improve him. He’s a little click away from being a top footballer.
  19. I thought Shelvey played pretty well yesterday. He’s slow, we all know it. He got his foot in though and used the ball pretty well.
  20. He could press from wherever he is. He doesn’t press from the left anyway and barely offers Targett any support as it is. Anyway, just an idea.
  21. Lotus

    Emil Krafth

    Really has improved a lot. Credit to himself and the coaching team.
  22. One idea to stop him getting double or triple marked would be to give him a floating role. Let him pop all over the pitch. Don’t think it would hurt our defensive solidity much. He would, of course be very careful if he wants to take players on much closer to our box (should he ever find himself there….).
  23. Is he? if so I’d put Shelvey next Bruno and move Joelinton to Willock’s spot. However I don’t do this for a living so Eddie Howe may have a different view :-D
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