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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. If the offer is good enough then I’m sure the club will let him go and put the funds elsewhere. He’s PL proven and a good age. £££
  2. Ryan Fraser obvs…..
  3. That’s a redundant thing to say because all of your players are always great all of the time ?
  4. Kind of like some English attitudes due to our standing in the world some 100 years ago. ManU fans are damaged by a form of Sports Imperialism.
  5. Tbf, I know a few ManU fans (doesn't make them indicative of a wider group but...) every one of their players are always nothing less than brilliant, can rise to excellent or literally the Best In The World but never less than brilliant and all of their managers are also outstanding. They are still (apparently) packed with players who would walk into any other team in the world and always have the absolute perfect manager for the upcoming season. I think it's a hangover from being so dominant unto 10 years ago.
  6. Lotus

    Sven Botman

    On the subject of Botman. If he’s that progressive of a passer perhaps he’ll start with Lascelles. He’s a better athlete than Schar, vastly inferior footballer but does he need to be that much better if Botman is the main distributor from the back?
  7. Lotus

    Sven Botman

    We had some games last season during our run where the points accrued didn’t really reflect the game imo. Games like Leeds and Southampton to name just 2. If those were both draws no one would’ve complained. So we nicked a few points. I know we lost at Chelsea when perhaps a draw would’ve been fair but, I think we got away with a few more than got away from us. I wouldn’t expect that to continue. We have to treat this next season as it’s own thing and not a continuation of the he last. Other teams have strengthened and they’ve also had the opportunity to play us and understand us a little bit. I fully predict it will be harder next season. Hopefully we’ll improve the he squad some more and with a good preseason we’ll look to mitigate that. Right now we look like a mid table team to me. If we sign more quality starting players then that will creep up.
  8. Didn't he a lot on the left wing for Leverkusen? I thought that's where he set up most of Havertz's goals from? Anyway, yes, probs best in a 3. No where good enough defensively to be in a midfield 2. Tbh, he's very much an "Arsenal' type player if you know what I mean. Can be great in games but won't necessarily influence the season.
  9. If that's a genuine price then I would say yes. He certainly has his problems though. He has some great skill but also has some pretty serious brain farts. Is also (oddly) appalling at trying to control the ball if he's facing the pass (mostly if his back is to goal). If he's on the turn he's awesome.
  10. I’ve watched all the Dortmund games I can since the Klopp days. I can’t think what Hazard would bring to the team. There are other Dortmund under-achievers I would look at before him.
  11. Victor Osimhen hasn’t managed that in a season (assume you do mean per season). Do you not think he’s any good?
  12. What about Akanji? Apparently won’t sign a new deal at Dortmund. Thought he would’ve been linked with a clubs now but haven’t read anything….
  13. Lotus

    Sven Botman

    I remember thinking how eloquent the Italian footballers were compared to our lot. Out the English players to shame. They always spoke so well with a really nice turn of phrase. Turns out that was just the translation. Was watching with a girl from Bari I used to knock about with and she thought it was hysterical because she said it reality, the Italian players had terrible vocabulary and could barely string a sentence together. I guess it was another of James Richardson’s little jokes. Kudos!
  14. Lotus

    Sven Botman

    @Milanista Boban was the absolute Boss!
  15. I remember Werner in Germany. I thought then he was Very quick but I didn’t think he had much else to his game. His 1st touch was a little heavy for a forward and he didn’t have a great strike on him either. Haven’t seen much change since he came to England.
  16. Is it not possible we’re waiting until after he finishes playing this tournament? He could then have a medical and sign the contract. Seems unnecessarily risky to sign a player who get injured in a match. Isn’t it over soon?
  17. I doubt EH has the final say on transfers tbh. He’ll be consulted but we have a chief scout and a man with lots of contacts. No doubt EH will be asked for his opinion but I doubt he can either insist on a signing or veto a player the rest are set on.
  18. Sancho was great cutting in from the left for Dortmund. He was great on the right when he had Hakimi making overlaps 20 times a game. After Hakimi left Sancho played on the left loads. With Guerreiro behind him Sancho had to do lots of the defending too as Guerreiro is rarely interested in that sort of thing.
  19. Well done Villa. I'm happy for you, Brummie at least !!
  20. Love this guy. Would like to see him use his left peg now and again.
  21. I don't think it's a given that we're top 6 next season and I hope people relax and give him some time. It may not click straight when next year starts and the other teams around us will also be looking to improve. There's a lot needs doing to upgrade the whole club let alone the 1st 11. It may take a bit of time to get right. We might also go through a couple of sticky patches. That happens. I'm sure EH will keep working as smartly as he has been though and, inshallah we'll have made some palpable progress by the time the season ends. There's so many variables I think it's unfair to set a minimum league place now. There might be a horrendous injury blight or 3 or 4 games on the trot where opponents score off every deflected shot. EH looks like a man who can keep perspective and adhere to the system he thinks will yield the best performances in the long run. Performances are more important that results imo. Performance will always eventually lead to the right results over time where as you can have a string of very lucky wins your efforts just don't deserve (see Pardew - 5th). It will catch up with you, though.
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