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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Great weight lifted from everyone’s chests there when Karius didn’t immediately fuck up the first ball kicked at him
  2. Wouldn’t be surprised if a large chunk of tickets in the Man U end were picked up by our fans. My friend is there too because he couldn’t get a ticket in our end. Why would they particularly care about the league cup anyway. Don’t know if there’s ever been a larger disparity in interest between the two fanbases in the final.
  3. It’s the opportunity that feels so special, not necessarily the winning. The feeling, after over a decade of futility, that what we do in supporting this club actually matters. They can’t take that away from us anymore, so it almost doesn’t even matter if we win or lose. We will be back again. For this and for bigger trophies. …love it if we win though.
  4. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    As someone else has already noted this sort of "COULD FACE PRISON TIME" stuff is always vastly overblown, but not exactly a great first impression is it.
  5. Just my dumb luck that this momentous occasion falls within the small window where I legally cannot leave the United States. One or two other Koreans are going. So if anyone happens to see an Asian in a Newcastle shirt in line to get in at Wembley, please remember to ask “are you mates with Oldtype?” instead of “are you Oldtype?” As for me, I guess I’ll be on the couch with my daughter, moderately drunk on a Sunday morning.
  6. Lascelles or Dummet. Because it would be hilarious. Bruno and the like will hopefully have plenty of time in the years ahead to score memorable goals for us.
  7. One of the most surreal things about this was finally hearing our fans singing the "tell me ma, me ma" song in a completely unironic way.
  8. I'm honestly so hung up about the fact that I might not be there when we finally win one that I almost don't want us to win, but I will suppress those terribly selfish thoughts for the greater good.
  9. Cup finals. Cannot believe it. Feels like I'm playing Football Manager.
  10. Imagine the state of this forum right now if we were only one goal ahead
  11. Can only imagine how tense the inside of SJP must be right now. Would be so unimaginably horrible if we fucked this up.
  12. Newcastle United kindly reminding us that we're never allowed to be happy.
  13. Not really surprising that the players seem a bit nervous and tentative when they're two goals ahead and fifteen minutes away from the club's first cup final since before any of them were born.
  14. Thank God we have a two goal cushion because if we were just one goal away from going out I think I might have had a seizure by now.
  15. Even I'm feeling extremely complacent so I imagine the risk of complacency for the players is high.
  16. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    I happen to think it's actually kind of endearing when our talented, multi-millionaire football players who are handed every imaginable luxury in life from their early twenties also happen to be sinfully ugly. Makes them more relatable. Nobody has it all.
  17. Hold on, Manquillo and Krafth still play for us?
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