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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    You just know that if we get to a cup semifinals/finals, Ashley will sabotage the team specifically so he doesn't have to pay this out
  2. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Would rather have none of them. They're all ass-kissing failures who believe they're entitled to work here because they're good Jawdie lads. Me too on both Account Dont need Clark, Stone and Carver them Geordie stoogs. His coaching team at Derby are light years a head of us. If he doesn't bring his own staff to work with him I won't be giving him the time of day. It will only prove that Ashley's penny pinching is set to continue and the interview he gave was yet more lies. I really don't think additional proof is necessary like
  3. Thankfully, there are federal white collar pound me in the ass resort prisons.
  4. just like Lacazette last year, Bony the year before and Aubemayange the year before that, super, we'll end up with darren Bent then Good point, well made. Diegro Ifran it is then..... To be fair we've been telling ourselves we'll sign Darren Bent every window for about three years now Before he became washed up it was Carlton Cole.
  5. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    You mean player sales minus ten million
  6. This sounds awfully familiar. poor Mike
  7. In any case, with how ridiculous the TV money is getting just about anyone from Leicester City to Crystal Palace will be able to play a few key players 100k a week if they so desire. TV money is the great leveler for all of the non-oil-money clubs, and traditional size of fanbase will quickly become irrelevant. I suspect that within a few years there will be very little difference in terms of financial means between clubs like Spurs (or a non-gimped version of NUFC) and those like Crystal Palace.
  8. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    How on Earth are some people equating "I'm so despondent about the club in general that I really can't be bothered to be angry about Steve McClaren being our manager" to "coming round to the appointment."
  9. Astounding how good Milner has become given how frustrating he was when he was here. Says a bit about the importance of being in a good, professional environment.
  10. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Unreal totally unreal - he's a total fucking Muppet man. Just don't see how anyone can find the energy to be outraged about a managerial appointment when the soul of this club has long since been destroyed by Mike Ashley. We're not a competitive football club so there's no need for us to have a top class manager. That is all.
  11. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    I don't see how you can look at getting to the UEFA cup final with Boro and say "meh." There's no comparison between McClaren and Pardew really. They're only similar if, as Lenny mentioned, you arbitrarily distinguish all of his major achievements as irrelevant.
  12. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Pretty much this. He's not by any means the greatest manager, and it's not the most inspiring appointment, but I just want to look forward to Newcastle games again, he supposidly plays decentish football, has a better record then any manager we've appointed in the last 7 years, so if it does have to be McClaren, I can get behind him, even if it is for a few months. I just think we're far too deep in the shit to be angry about anything as pedestrian as an unexciting managerial appointment. It's like complaining that your wifi signal is weak when the house is on fire.
  13. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    At the very least, he does seem to be pretty good at resigning once he realizes things aren't going to work out. So if you hate this appointment, I suspect you can at least look forward to another managerial "search" sometime in January. (Which will no doubt preclude any January signings as well.)
  14. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    It's just hard for me to understand how you had any semblance of hope about this appointment.
  15. Look at you and me Ian, used to be so optimistic, now the most miserable fuckers of the bunch
  16. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Can I continue to give the club pelters but watch the games and hope we win? You can do whatever you want mate. I will probably still watch the games too and hope we win, as I did for the West Ham game despite being entirely fed up with the club. As others have said though, the majority of fans will probably consider McClaren the very least the club could have done to appease them. This appointment will likely not cause the outrage it absolutely deserves, but will not get us anywhere either. Guess who wins again. Meh, I've fully filled my quota of outrage. No appointment would have appeased me in any case. As for the people who will be appeased by this, they were probably hopeless to begin with. Also, look on the bright side. We may still get Carver!
  17. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    What opportunity? I never thought there was even the slightest chance of Ashley turning over a new leaf and that's why I'm not particularly disappointed with the appointment of McClaren. As far as mediocre and uninspiring English managers who should be just good enough to keep us in the league go, he's pretty decent.
  18. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    A quick glance at their respective CVs is enough to confirm that he's an insurmountably better manager than Pardew.
  19. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Therefore, by definition any manager that agrees to work for us is terrible. Yup, sorted.
  20. We just had Bizarro in charge, tbh. "just had"
  21. The UK runs tourism adverts in Korea sometimes. Is that because we hate you?
  22. Kinnear, Shearer, and Pardew all had conferences. We haven't actually appointed a manager beyond those three after Keegan.
  23. I gotta see these commercials, tbh. It's dead OTT to nuke someone and still hate them. http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7eMc/the-government-of-japan-robots http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7erH/the-government-of-japan-metros Closest I could find
  24. Clearly the World Cup should stay with AFC, perhaps a staunch US ally from the region with recent experience in hosting this kind of tournament could step in... Aye, Japan all the way. Sick of shite no mark countries getting the nod Walked right into that one To be honest the Americans hate the Japanese. Seventy years after the war and the Japanese still buy adverts on TV channels in the states to try and show they are no longer the enemy. ...I'm pretty sure that's not true I saw the adverts myself in Florida last month! Probably just some random Japanese group being dafties.
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