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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. The club is dead. The faster it gets relegated into oblivion and folds or changes its name so that we can all fully accept that reality, the better.
  2. I look forward to seeing him have an utter blinder against us in the Championship next season, en route to being named player of the year.
  3. Awful news. RIP. For the most part he was before my time and I only really saw him during his brief stint with us in 2006-2007, but it was easy to see why he was so loved.
  4. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    We did manage to replace Pardew with this guy, who's just as bad but at least quiet.
  5. Yeah, essentially exactly what you said there. But I'm starting to come around. If Villa aren't going to compete like the other clubs do then they deserve to go down. Also, many of the teams that have been promoted in the last few years have brought a different style to the Premier League and you regularly see them beating some of the bigger teams. Glass houses, stones
  6. I can remember worse performances within the last couple of months, never mind fifty years.
  7. Really, man? I´ve watched worse this season Cracks me up whenever people say "this is the worst I've ever seen us play" when every single person here knows for a fact that isn't true
  8. oldtype

    Adam Armstrong

    In general the best way to develop a young player is probably to keep him away from NUFC for as long as possible.
  9. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    We all know what happens when we sack managers midseason under Ashley. Look, if you hate the club now and just want to see it burn (as I do), by all means call for sacking McClaren. But I certainly wouldn't if I had any interest in the club staying up.
  10. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    We're visibly better than we were last season and for the most part, desperately unlucky to be where we are. Yes, we're still utterly shit, but we're merely "safe-and-sound-13th-place" shit. Not "foot of the table" shit.
  11. We've been so shit, it's been a while since we had one of these good 'ol fashioned "we played well but it's just one of those days" days.
  12. Not that I want to see Cisse play or anything, but Mitrovic needs to come off immediately.
  13. Seriously, Mitrovic and Wollshceid are going to kill each other. Soon.
  14. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Have we all forgotten how amazing the club is at finding managers mid-season? Sacking him will leave us rudderless for several months and assuredly relegate us. I suppose I want us to sack him then.
  15. On paper we have more likable players than I ever remember us having. Perez, Mitrovic, Windjalum, Mbemba all seem like good hard-working lads with the right attitude who, incredibly, are also good at playing football. I'd be thrilled if I wasn't so confident that we'll sell/ruin all of them in short order.
  16. Playoffs. Not enough. I want playoffs, a draft, a Europe-wide salary cap, the whole shebang. Look at you. How would the draft work? Draft occurs when each academy class hits age 18. Each team is allowed to "protect" 2~3 of their prospects, and the rest are put up for draft. Using protections forfeits the same number of draft picks. (For example, assuming a three-round draft, a team that protects two of its players would only draft in the third round.) All professional football clubs who operate academies above a certain level are permitted to participate in the draft. The club with the lowest league placing picks first. All undrafted players are returned to their original academy. Each team which has lost players is compensated for the cost of development with a pre-set fee. Specifics can be tweaked to change incentives accordingly. That would take absolutely ages One evening would be sufficient. Depends on your criteria for academies above a certain level No reason for it to take more than a few hours even if it's all eighty football league teams.
  17. Playoffs. Not enough. I want playoffs, a draft, a Europe-wide salary cap, the whole shebang. Look at you. How would the draft work? Draft occurs when each academy class hits age 18. Each team is allowed to "protect" 2~3 of their prospects, and the rest are put up for draft. Using protections forfeits the same number of draft picks. (For example, assuming a three-round draft, a team that protects two of its players would only draft in the third round.) All professional football clubs who operate academies above a certain level are permitted to participate in the draft. The club with the lowest league placing picks first. All undrafted players are returned to their original academy. Each team which has lost players is compensated for the cost of development with a pre-set fee. Specifics can be tweaked to change incentives accordingly. That would take absolutely ages One evening would be sufficient.
  18. Playoffs. Not enough. I want playoffs, a draft, a Europe-wide salary cap, the whole shebang. Look at you. How would the draft work? Draft occurs when each academy class hits age 18. Each team is allowed to "protect" 2~3 of their prospects, and the rest are put up for draft. Using protections forfeits the same number of draft picks. (For example, assuming a three-round draft, a team that protects two of its players would only draft in the third round.) All professional football clubs who operate academies above a certain level are permitted to participate in the draft. The club with the lowest league placing picks first. All undrafted players are returned to their original academy. Each team which has lost players is compensated for the cost of development with a pre-set fee. Specifics can be tweaked to change incentives accordingly.
  19. Playoffs. Not enough. I want playoffs, a draft, a Europe-wide salary cap, the whole shebang.
  20. Wah wah wah. If you're enjoying yourself that's fine. I'm just saying that I'm not.
  21. I used to think American sports was ridiculous. Now I'm pretty sure it's the only way.
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