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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. If you want to know who the best player out of the three is, just wait and see who we don't sign.
  2. oldtype

    John Carver

    They will drag this on while feeding the media bits and pieces about this name or another, until we just quietly start the season with Carver in charge. Sometime in January or so after a decent result he'll be given an eight-year contract and have the "caretaker" title removed. In the mean time, we'll be too busy with the "manager search" to sign players. It won't affect our selling at all though.
  3. I had thought that football was no longer capable of giving me moments like the one Jonas gave me today. We've all had mixed feelings about him since he had been in decline for a while even before his illness, but hopefully this moment washes all of that away and allows us to remember him as a club legend. We could certainly use some unambiguously happy memories in the dark times to come.
  4. Realistically that's just a lot of speculation. Irving is probably just moving to greener pastures at NCL and for all we know it's an amicable departure, Ashley has known about this for ages, and plans for succession are in place.
  5. All of this is moot because even if he was still here Carver would have him playing with the reserves.
  6. I would be amazed if he manages this! He's going to do it isn't he? "We had a bit of adversity but we pulled together and got through in the end..."
  7. Yes. I'd been the whole club down if it meant we could hurt Ashley even a little bit at this point. In its current incarnation nufc means absolutely nothing to me.
  8. This letter more than anything else has made me really, really want relegation. In a perverse way, the threat of going down has rekindled my interest in the club. I haven't watched a single game in ages yet I feel like tuning in for the remaining three just so I can watch Ashley's prized asset go down in flames.
  9. Coloccini 'pens' open letter to supporters would be a better use of quotation marks in the thread title.
  10. Hello Ashley, If the above was the case I would still saty away until it was proven over a few seasons that the piss taking is over. They wouldn't last six months here anyway.
  11. So wish sports betting was legal here. Would dump my savings on 5/1.
  12. They are professional football players right? 5-0 West Brom.
  13. oldtype


    Relegation might be exactly what the campaign needs to take a step forwards. Even the casual fans won't be happy and we might see some very low gates in the Championship next season.
  14. Hundreds of teams play in black and white. Crest would not have to resemble the NUFC one that much. Name - surely a team based in Newcastle can be called Newcastle something? Know nothing about UK trademark law but I assume there would be some sort of colourable argument where he could say that a "Newcastle FC" that plays in black and white stripes is either a. causing confusion with NUFC or b. diluting the NUFC trademark (which is sort of what we're trying to do to begin with) Rest assured that if there's anything even remotely plausible he will be sending out cease-and-desist letters and having lawyers knock on people's doors to intimidate them out of it. He's clearly just that kind of human being.
  15. oldtype

    John Carver

    I don't have an opinion as to whether Ashley will sell if we go down, but at the very least every indignity this club suffers is a little bit of a drag on his profits. Let's see how far it can go. I just want to watch it all burn now.
  16. You know, the shit thing about this is if that we have a name/crest/colors that in any way resemble Newcastle United FC, you know Ashley will try to sue the fuck out of us.
  17. oldtype

    John Carver

    At this point, I'm totally willing to have this club - our club - relegated straight down to the Conference just to spite this pack of shitheads. Nice good long soak in the lower leagues is the cure for what ails us. I say the trick is to make NUFC so shit that the club playing in front of Sports Direct ads would actually lower their brand value, not the other way round.
  18. oldtype

    John Carver

    At this point, I'm totally willing to have this club - our club - relegated straight down to the Conference just to spite this pack of shitheads.
  19. oldtype

    John Carver

    Most likely Beardsley would be next in line.
  20. I've been half-jokingly suggested this idea here and there for a few months now, and I honestly think it's the best possible course of action at this point. NUFC might as well be Sports Direct United at this point and even if Ashley leaves, I'm not sure what we had with the club previously will be recoverable. I'm obviously too far away to help out physically, but I'd be more than happy to donate money/time to the cause.
  21. oldtype

    John Carver

    Says volumes about my lack of interest in the team that I had trouble identifying which player each set of initials referred to.
  22. oldtype


    I'm pretty sure if/when Ashley does sell up one of the terms he'll demand is that the Sports Direct signage and advertising remain up free-of-charge for 20 years or something equally ridiculous.
  23. oldtype

    Rio Ferdinand

    Cancer is a terrible thing. RIP I turned 30 this year and news like this and what happened to Jonas makes me think that I should start getting myself checked out regularly.
  24. oldtype

    John Carver

    I look forward to seeing how Ashley and Charnely will manage to find someone even less competent.
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