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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. I bet we'll all absolutely despise his team selection when it comes out
  2. You'll probably be ten minutes ahead of schedule touching down, so you'd make the second half. If you have a patient girlfriend you could send her for the luggage and have her wait outside as you head into the sportspub at the airport If not you may get lucky with the airport train and reach one just leaving, which would have you at Oslo S five minutes into the second half, and there's only about a three minute walk to a sportspub from there. She just read this and said "in your dreams"
  3. Norwegian or SAS? Norwegian have wi-fi on board on most of their flights. Norwegian. Think it'll be good enough to stream?
  4. Lovely day to be on a flight for the exact two hours of the game.
  5. I totally get this. I went from genuinely hoping the club folds as soon as possible to eagerly anticipating the match on Monday. Everyone who I usually talk to about nufc thinks I've gone mad.
  6. Man I don't even necessarily care what the pros and cons of his footballing philosophy are. The fact that he has one at all far exceeds whatever expectations I had for our managers forever.
  7. Maybe we should have seen this coming, given that they had a very similar transition in terms of player recruitment. ("we'll only buy cheap young players we can turn a profit on" -> PANIC PANIC SPEND SPEND) It's a good sign no doubt, but the change in philosophy only matters if the right people are put in place at the boardroom and in recruiting. Otherwise we've just gone from a club that doesn't spend money stupidly to a club that spends money stupidly.
  8. I'm going to be the first person to call the "we tried" tomorrow after talks break down Wouldn't expect any less from you mate I was about to post "fuck off" but then realized that I 100% deserve whatever reputation I have as the board's worst pessimist.
  9. I'm going to be the first person to call the "we tried" tomorrow after talks break down
  10. http://i.imgur.com/36uHESG.gif That thing where he flicks his hands in perfect sync with the broadcast CGI has to be the best Rafa gif.
  11. Seriously, I saw "The Sun/Daily Mail" on the latest post preview slot and immediately assumed something to the effect of "Sun/Daily Mail: Steve McClaren set to stay on as NUFC manager until end of season." WTF.
  12. This can't possibly be real.
  13. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Sure we've always more points at this stage before though haven't we? not many but definitely more, the way we're going more than 1-2 wins would be a massive surprise. Yeah but I figure he just refuses on principle to work with anyone he either doesn't know personally or hasn't vetted extensively. That would explain the extreme reluctance to sack managers, the hostility towards managers he didn't appoint (Allardyce, Hughton), and the ridiculous amount of time it takes us to actually appoint anyone. McClaren is someone who's clearly been vetted by the club for a very long time so they will be highly reluctant to sack him, probably even if it means relegation.
  14. oldtype

    Steve McClaren

    Ashley has never sacked a manager for poor results. That's not about to change now
  15. By the standards of modern-day NUFC strikers, a shot on target is like a hat trick.
  16. Please be relegated. The existence of this husk is embarrassing and ruins my memories of the time when I supported Newcastle United.
  17. oldtype


    Only so much a lawyer can do when it's this bad
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