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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Thought i read on here you were a pilot in the Korean airforce! What a fucking letdown. Obviously stole the uniform for that TV show. Fucking imposter. I was one but this job pays better Not a pilot though.
  2. If we judged by stats Williamson would be world class. Some people just seem to think that the definition of "stats" is "things that are wrong"
  3. Though I guess I'm a little disappointed the DoJ's putting its all-stars on this case and not, say, on the civil rights crisis in our country at the moment. I'm sorry man
  4. And why in the name of f*** has Asia got nearly 50 votes (just a few less then Europe)? Because thats the amount of countries there In proportion to either population or popularity of the game, Asia is probably slightly under represented.
  5. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    Another myth. In your opinion. We're seriously going to question the commitment of the guy who rehabilitated himself from multiple career-ending injuries to play professional football?
  6. weapons grade horseshit I repeat, this is the terriblest idea ever. Europe would immediately cut all funds for football development projects in Africa/Asia. What's the point of making them better when that just means they'll get more votes. There's no reason to assume that. There's no reason to assume that funding for football development even needs to voted on. If you're building something from scratch there's no reason why you couldn't write something on division of funds into a founding charter or similar. It's just a massive assumption you're making. If you're trying to level the field in FIFA there's no reason why you couldn't make those sort of arrangements too. Of course you could implement revenue-sharing or other equalizing measures prior to giving them more votes, but in a hypothetical environment that is sufficiently pro-UEFA to institutionalize weighted voting for these countries, how would those unamendable revenue-sharing measures pass in the first place? Also, from a purely normative perspective, why must Africa and Asia be reliant on the goodwill of the UEFA countries to represent their interests? We don't deserve an equal voice just because we're shit at football? Africa is now providing the top European leagues with a significant portion of their star players and Asia is providing a significant portion of their fans. We're all part of this enterprise and have no interest in being relegated to junior partner status just because other parts of the world happened to start kicking balls earlier than we did. My main issue is that the fucking Cayman Isles have the same say as South Korea. In no way should the Cayman Isles have as much a say in world football as South Korea, or other "big" FAs. Will the Cayman Isles ever get close to qualifying for a World Cup? If doing the FIFA ranking thing, one could simply take the top five from each association in the FIFA rankings and give their votes the same power, then take six-ten from the FIFA rankings and so on. That way each association will still have an equal amount of say. I'd be okay with that for obvious reasons but that's just setting the cutoff point at a different level. Not all countries with low FIFA rankings are jokes like the Cayman Islands, and a lot of them would have legitimate grievances about how they're ever meant to improve if they're not given a voice due to votes weighted by FIFA ranking/# of registered clubs etc.
  7. He's not any worse than our other options in his position and there's some glimmer of hope that he may become better. Of course he's a Newcastle youth player so by definition he's shit, but things could be worse.
  8. It came and went in his time here. Liked his role and contribution during our 4-3-3 days in 2012. What a man, on Sunday though. He tended to be excellent when the team was playing well and the first to go when the form started dropping. Finally bucked that trend on the last day of the season though.
  9. They've no doubt offered him something like 100 pounds a week and free meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so might as well I suppose.
  10. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    He has so much protection in front of him. Nobody excels in a vacuum: success is always partially attributed to the system you play in and the teammates around you. He did the job he was given admirably during that run and you really can't ask more from a right midfielder playing left back. Don't see why just because he's not a good player you have to argue that he's never done anything positive.
  11. weapons grade horseshit I repeat, this is the terriblest idea ever. Europe would immediately cut all funds for football development projects in Africa/Asia. What's the point of making them better when that just means they'll get more votes. There's no reason to assume that. There's no reason to assume that funding for football development even needs to voted on. If you're building something from scratch there's no reason why you couldn't write something on division of funds into a founding charter or similar. It's just a massive assumption you're making. If you're trying to level the field in FIFA there's no reason why you couldn't make those sort of arrangements too. Of course you could implement revenue-sharing or other equalizing measures prior to giving them more votes, but in a hypothetical environment that is sufficiently pro-UEFA to institutionalize weighted voting for these countries, how would those unamendable revenue-sharing measures pass in the first place? Also, from a purely normative perspective, why must Africa and Asia be reliant on the goodwill of the UEFA countries to represent their interests? We don't deserve an equal voice just because we're shit at football? Africa is now providing the top European leagues with a significant portion of their star players and Asia is providing a significant portion of their fans. We're all part of this enterprise and have no interest in being relegated to junior partner status just because other parts of the world happened to start kicking balls earlier than we did.
  12. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    He wasn't. Was part of a backline that went 11 games unbeaten and didn't concede for whatever absurd amount of minutes during the first half of the season.
  13. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    We really should be grateful for over the wall given that we'll probably never beat Sunderland again
  14. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Ryan-Taylor-v-Sunderland1.jpg Mediocre player, great guy. Will try to keep the good memories and forget the bad.
  15. weapons grade horseshit I repeat, this is the terriblest idea ever. Europe would immediately cut all funds for football development projects in Africa/Asia. What's the point of making them better when that just means they'll get more votes.
  16. As if the USA would be allowed into this
  17. We went from a bad manager to no manager and got even worse. It's not rocket science.
  18. http://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/help-me-obi-wan1.jpg Help me Loretta Lynch, you're my only hope!
  19. Yes Absolute disgrace. Why? The fact that England or Spain could be outvoted by Timor Leste and Montserrat (for example) is a total joke. They have nothing to do with the game. You can't have a global governing body that only focuses on the elite players. One of the reasons Blatter is so popular is because he treats the smaller and poor nations well. Its like saying the richest guy in America's vote in an election should count for more than an ordinary working class person Yes you can, and no it's not. Football is a non-essential part of society. Would you be happy if a all football decisions in this country were dictated by Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal i.e. Distribution of TV money? Good analogy Right, any sort of system that weights things towards the bigger nations will inevitably lead to them making decisions that secure there hegemony at the expense of the smaller nations, which in turn will lead to the gap between the two only growing larger and larger. Part of FIFA's purpose is to spread the game worldwide. You can't do that if you have a system that automatically disqualifies you from having a voice if you're shit at football.
  20. Aye, it was all part of his evil masterplan - the bloke's like Emperor Palpatine, weaving his web of deceit and corruption through exploiting the weak. It's all politics and he was good at it while other people were shit. Would have been nicer if he could have pulled it off without all the money exchanging hands, of course.
  21. One country one vote is the standard for international organizations and I don't understand why that should be different for FIFA. Anyone else from Europe was just as capable as Blatter of catering to and influencing the smaller footballing nations from Asia/Africa if they chose to do so. It's just that Blatter was the first one to ever actually give a shit about us instead of assuming we were just shitty backwater places that deserved the occasional charity appearance at the World Cup and nothing more.
  22. I doubt the job involves a lot of legwork for Carr. By and large the players he brings to the club aren't unknown quantities. I'd assume his responsibilities are mostly just networking and setting the club up with contacts when they target a player in France. Seems like a pretty decent semi-retirement job.
  23. They probably just sit around in a boardroom sipping a $10,000 bottle of wine, reading this thread and giggling to themselves about how some people think we're going to hire a manager.
  24. If this is the sort of business the US plans on wading into, I for one welcome our American overlords.
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