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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Need to slow the game down, not getting any possession at all
  2. God I'm so scared, shaking in my boots here. 0% posession so far.
  3. KILL KILL KILL KILL ....Jesus, have mercy. Three points. Please.
  4. harsh indeed dude If I can fall out of love with Kevin Keegan for abandoning us this season, I can certainly fall out of love with Shay Given.
  5. I hope they buy Buffon in the summer and you rot on the bench Steve Harper style.
  6. My room, with my girlfriend yelling at me to turn the telly down. Boston, MA, USA Wish I wasn't the only person in a hundred square miles who wasn't the slightest bit bothered about the Super Bowl tomorrow.
  7. Bruce saying that N'Zogbia will be the last one in in the transfer window, so maybe not Wigan. Don't think Spurs can afford him if they're bringing Keane back. City don't really need him. Think he'll be staying in Portugal.
  8. Paper talk never comes true for us. Pretty much all of our deals are completely out of the blue. (Except when they're spoiled by local sources first, a la Colo) I'd be massively surprised if we're looking at Veloso at all.
  9. oldtype

    The Mackems Game

    I can't stand Duff but I wouldn't be surprised if he scored. Duff...Scoring? Does not compute Ironically, he's scored exactly as many as Charles "OMG He's got pace he must be teh AWESOME" N'Zogbia over the past three years.
  10. oldtype

    The Mackems Game

    Really just can't see us scoring with only Carroll up front. Hopefully Nolan will make a scoring debut.
  11. Aye, go on worshiping the worthless want-away c*** who's got four goals in the last three years to his name. Makes me sick this kind of attitude. Slobbering over a player who shouldn't even be in our first team "oooh he's too good for us, he'll move to a big club." Just f*** off.
  12. Just been told that he weighs around 89.5kg at the height of 183cm (that's roughly 6"0 and 14 stone) Worryingly overweight if true.
  13. Comparing N'Zogbia to Ginola and Robert Might as well compare the sale of Michael Chopra to the sale of Andy Cole while you're at it.
  14. Somebody's got to think up a good insomnia song before we head over to the JJB next year.
  15. At first I though NE5 was an idiot. Then I though the was a poor, senile, old man. Finally, I realized that he was just another troll, on these boards solely to stir up s*** and have fun watching everyone bite. He's no different from Invicta Toon, only with less foul language. Those of you thinking you can have any sort of rational discussion with him on any level are simply deluding yourselves. You're just fueling his fun. Ignoring him is absolutely the best policy.
  16. oldtype


    Don't be daft. No one deserves Joe Kinnear.
  17. Yer but you need some, who the f*** else has pace in our team besides Martins and Nzogbia? If we sell him we will regret it badly. And lets be honest, Wigan are twice the team we are at the minute. nailed on and sad to see. However, I'm sure one or two people will continue to make excuses for Ashley. The ironic thing is that most people on here scoffed at Steve Bruce as NUFC manager, including myself, but things have stooped so low that he is taking one of our best players to a team like Wigan. Jesus f***ing titty wept Yep N'Zogbia has only been unhappy and whinging since Ashley arrived. Isn't it about time you moved on, took the posters of Freddy down and got on with your life? He has gone now, I know its hard but with time you will get over it. truth hurts. I'm not really pleased for you if you have posters of Mike Ashley hanging up somewhere. What a pathetic comment. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for some indication that the fat b****** has any desire whatsoever of at least matching the european qualifications of his predecessors, despite them being the worst board thats ever ran a club anywhere and therefore anyone at all who took over would automatically be better Which players would you like to see at the club? Whih player do you think we should be aiming for? You do realize he's just going to mention how they're going to have to match the previous board's acquisition of the likes of "Shearer, Robert, and Bellamy" and achieving European football? Without, of course, mentioning what the modern analogue to those players would be or whether we'd be able to get them or not.
  18. The "all you need is pace" attitude on this board frustrates me sometimes. The players we're putting out right now aren't shit because they haven't got pace... They're shit because they're shit! Pace is just one of many assets in a footballer's toolbox.
  19. Think that will turn out to be a cracking deal for Pompey if it goes through. Not been given a chance at spurs, but has obvious talent and creative ability. Nah, think Adams is taking a very stupid gamble with Pompey's entire transfer budget on a player that has a large chance of flopping horribly.
  20. mackems.gif This has been such an amusing day.
  21. I'm starting to get excited again about our transfers for no reason. Kind of like I was when we pulled Jonas out of the blue in the summer. Got a feeling that we'll do something completely daft and unexpected before the window closes, like hijack Zaki's loan deal off Wigan. Or better yet, get a new manager. All this off of Kevin Nolan and Ryan Taylor. I am so easy to please.
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