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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Looking around the internet it's not just NUFC fans that don't seem to "understand the rules".
  2. Perch was an able replacement last season. Like fuck was it a red card though.
  3. Kimbo

    Kick It Out

    I'm bored of the Ferdinands and their victim act, Anton was calling someone a cunt and bringing up his personal life, and was called a black cunt in return. Obviously disgusting from Terry, but Anton wasn't exactly being "picked on", he was being a twat aswell, he just got trumped in the twat department..
  4. Kimbo

    Kick It Out

    I like David James opinion. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/david-james-antiracism-groups-just-try-to-justify-existence-8207873.html
  5. We need a target man anyway, I don't think that is Hooper. I wasn't in favour of bringing Carroll back in the summer, but with Pardews style it has become obvious we need someone like that.
  6. Kimbo

    St James' Park

    It's very cockney sounding. It would sound weird in a Geordie accent I think.
  7. Kimbo

    St James' Park

  8. Kimbo

    St James' Park

    Oh jesus. For me there isn't a more slappable face on tv that this. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/179624_o.gif
  9. They should've played Ezy Rider there, opportunity missed.
  10. Some pretty random players get alot of airtime on this show.
  11. If he grows his goatee back he'll look like Ming the Merciless. I'd still take him back though,
  12. Very few teams get any level of coverage in America. Liverpool is one of those teams, the other one is Man United. I just think if you're going to be a glory hunter you may aswell do it properly.
  13. What are these Americans getting out of following Liverpool???
  14. Is this all just pre-season?
  15. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    What the actual fuck is this?
  16. This will get more entertaining over the season as the problems set in.
  17. was that a big picture of Rodgers on Rodgers wall?
  18. Oh fuck off, this is shite. It's just a cheesy PR exercise, even down to soft whimsical background music.
  19. With our current tactics he might actually be worth the monies.
  20. I think some players have been believing their own hype from last season, I think Cisse and Cabaye could do with being dropped, we need Tiote back for Everton though.
  21. Kimbo

    Alan Pardew

    He is clearly a tactical genius, it's just that none of us know enough about football to understand the complexity of his plan.
  22. 7th, changes from last season being Chelsea and Everton overtaking us. Liverpool are still guff though thankfully.
  23. Kimbo

    Deadline Day Thread

    Maicon to Man City. Fucking wankers, we're desperate for a decent RB and they have them coming out of their cunt!
  24. Disagree. If we lost any key players, which we haven't so far, and we didn't replace them then it would be a disgrace. So far it has been a okay window for us because of the fact we have all our top players from last season still at the club. But we haven't exactly been fending off bids have we. We're just standing still and talking about imaginary clubs that want our players. Make what you will of it, but as long as Benny, Cabaye, Tiote, Cisse, Ba and Colo are still at the club this time staurday, I am happy. Do you think they will be impressed by our lack of activity?
  25. Disagree. If we lost any key players, which we haven't so far, and we didn't replace them then it would be a disgrace. So far it has been a okay window for us because of the fact we have all our top players from last season still at the club. But we haven't exactly been fending off bids have we. We're just standing still and talking about imaginary clubs that want our players.
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