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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Kimbo


    Big name my arse.
  2. He got one last season. Cheeky cunt, if it's true.
  3. Alternatively, we could spend no money on transfer fees and get in a decent player at a time when we are far less likely to sign quality player due to our current status, then buy someone better next season when we can attract the bigger names. It's fairly simple. I'm pretty sure we would have to pay a fee to take Insua on loan, if he was available other clubs would probably be interested.
  4. To get away from Liverpool? EDIT: Incidentally, I think we should be going for Konchesky. Ugh, no thanks, he looks like Wes Brown. I'd rather we went for the chiseled gallic good looks of Frank Queudrue.
  5. Enrique has had a strong half a season in the premiership, what has Insua done to be considered better?
  6. This is the problem with the press, they say something and every simpleton in the country laps it up. http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=224335.40 Fuck off, the kids only played 5 senior games in his entire life.
  7. What's with the Enrique vendetta in the press? Crafty buggers!
  8. A loan? Where has the Modric money gone? Are we skint? Really hope it's not true.
  9. Ramos is the more high profile manager at the moment, but in terms of legendom, which is the point i was talking about, Keegan blows him out of the water.
  10. But Maetihs did say he is a legend. He said he it is debatable whether he is a legend outside England, it clearly isn't debatable.
  11. Keegan is a Liverpool legend, a european cup winner and was once Englands golden boy. On top of that he is a Hamburg legend, and is in a select group of people that have won the ballon d'or twice - the others being Ronaldo, Rummenigge, Beckenbauer, and Di Stefano. To say he isn't a legend is beyond stupid.
  12. a manager that is famous does helps. speaks out your intentions. so does the new chairman who has expressed publicly his ambitions to tackle the top 4. them spending quite a bit last season also signals serious intentions. something like what we were. agreed may not work. maybe our Everton kind of method as it looks like this season will work better. mind u, will love to be the next everton. only time will tell. Like Kevin Keegan? dunno abt that....yes a legend in our world but outside that and England....debatable. Possibly the dumbest thing i've ever read on here.
  13. Would you sign him over Aimar?
  14. Jimmy Bullard on the other hand...
  15. We were talking about why Lampard and him are allegedly available for the same price. Whether he will adapt or not doesn't affect the price.
  16. I really don't get your point. You've been given the reason Lampard is going cheaply, it's his contract. Does that not make sense?
  17. It's all about the contracts. Also it's not like Aimar has never done anything, he is twice a spanish champion and has over 50 caps for Argentina. The only reason things have gone down hill for him is injuries.
  18. So now you're guessing that people won't judge his performances fairly, for what reason? Nobody dislikes Guthrie, they just don't think he is a very promising player, and that isn't an unreasonable opinion. It's like Sibierski, everyone thought he was a shit signing, but he proved he wasn't, he was judged fairly.
  19. True, but it could go either way. Could indeed, but the amount of people not giving him a chance is f***ing pathetic. Just hope the poor lad doesn't read "his thread" at his new club's message board. Not one person isn't giving him a chance, we're just giving our opinion. We could fake optimism, but what would be the point of that. I'm sorry but that just isn't true. Don't fake optimism, be optimistic. It's true. He will get a chance every time he plays. If he plays well people won't call him a bad or average player.
  20. True, but it could go either way. Could indeed, but the amount of people not giving him a chance is f***ing pathetic. Just hope the poor lad doesn't read "his thread" at his new club's message board. Not one person isn't giving him a chance, we're just giving our opinion. We could fake optimism, but what would be the point of that.
  21. Don't blame me, blame wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jermain_Defoe EDIT: Nevermind, it says it in the text he played for them but not in the box. I wasn't going to read the text of every player.
  22. Along with Defoe he was the only one from the last squad to have never appeared for them.
  23. None. I know it's not the be all and end all, but that's not very encouraging when you think Bolton paid £5m for the man who does occupy his position in that side (Muamba), rather than pay a few million for a lad they had on loan for a season. Midfield players infront of him at the moment include Muamba, Craig Gardner, Huddlestone, Leadbitter(fucking hell), O'Hara, Tom Soares, Andrew Surman, Noble, Cattermole, and Michael Johnson. It makes you wonder.
  24. Bernard admitted he had been a cock when he came back. I can't stand Souness but i won't blame him for that one.
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