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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Kimbo

    New Rich List

    Wow, how come Spurs income has gone up so much?
  2. There's a shout. He's getting on a bit but should have a few more years left.
  3. Jesus, i just realised that D'Alessandro moved to Panathinaikos in jan for 3m euros. Surprised no prem teams(ie US) were interested after how he played for Pompey. D`Allesandro moved back to Argentina to San Lorenzo on loan Yeah, last night wiki said he was in greece, now it's changed again. Confounding stuff.
  4. Jesus, i just realised that D'Alessandro moved to Panathinaikos in jan for 3m euros. Surprised no prem teams(ie US) were interested after how he played for Pompey.
  5. Just looking at that list of players it's obvious to me we'll have to do most of the shopping abroad. D'Alessandro, Rosina, Pandev, Appiah etc. There's loads of players out there. *waits to be accused of playing football manager because i've mentioned johnny foreigners*
  6. I don't play football manager if that's what you're asking. It's more of an example than a recommendation anyway.
  7. Fine, Rosina from Torino then. Just not another average overpriced premiership player. The premiership is a bad place to shop, especially for what we need(flair and creativity), is what i was getting at originally.
  8. ---------------Given--------------- Geremi--Beye--Taylor--Enrique Milner---Faye--Emre---N'Zogbia ---------Martins---Owen--------- Theoretically I think that could get us some points, just until we can totally break the team up in the summer(Beye at CB would be temporary) - it needs it.
  9. Why would we want Rothen? He is one of the wasters at PSG. Because he's got a great left foot. Sometimes a player stagnates at a club and plays nowhere near their potential. I see him very much as a Keegan player and would rather take a punt on him than someone with average talent like Downing. He would cost about half as much aswell i would guess.
  10. Kewell? Downing? It's clear to me that if Zog leaves we'll have to look abroad. Jerome Rothen or someone like that.
  11. Undoubted talent? I seriously doubt it myself.
  12. I never thought he was good enough. I was gutted when we signed him. He's all graft, no craft.
  13. I actually lost faith in the human race today. When i heard Keegan mention Henry last night i thought "will the southern press be petty enough to take that seriously? Surely not, that would be too far". But no, and the retard fans of other clubs are lapping it up and calling Kev deluded. It's a funny old game.
  14. If there's one thing i hate it is people that bang on about Steve bloody Harper and he should be in the first team.
  15. Is he? I was under the impression that everyone had the same opinion as you. ie "good player with plenty of potential".
  16. You have to wonder about the character of a player that employs a snake like Willy McKay as his agent.
  17. They were booing the ref surely?
  18. Kimbo

    Shearer turns us down

    Oh no! What are we going to do now? We're fucked! Doomed! Relegation awaits!!!
  19. Who runs newcastleutd-mad and why does it pop up on newsnow like it's a major site? To me it just looks like a halfarsed wannabe tabloid fansite, and they're always late with their news. It's a pathetic waste of space.
  20. Don't fuck up and you might become an important player Roz. Fucking hell, footballers, no wonder i'm getting disillusioned with this sport.
  21. And bad play from our midfield, they're hopeless at marking the opposition around the box.
  22. The Richard E Grant lookalike is wearing a nice coat i must say. I approve.
  23. Have you seen the goal? Do you think any keeper in the world would've saved that? This is what happens when you don't have good midfielders, they leave space the opposition players to do things like that. Look at the amount of room and time Flamini had to look up, set himself, and get the shot away. As far as i'm concerned it's the midfields fault, not Shays.
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