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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. Kimbo

    Alan Smith

    FFS, i would do that for half the money!
  2. Oba, for all his faults, makes things happen. He is easily our most dangerous player and i can't wait to see him back in the team. On the contract, i'm happy to see him sign because i think he should be in our long term plans and i'd guess the numbers are either speculation or are exaggerated, i doubt it will be that much.
  3. Kimbo

    The man for NUFC

    I'm happy enough with Keegan thanks.
  4. That article is shocking. The thing is millions of non-newcastle fans across the country will lap it up and take it as gospel.
  5. He is a w******, but he has got talent. If price is right, we should get him in. I would stay the fuck away from Willy McKays players, they're nothing but trouble.
  6. On the subject of refs, Aliadiere has just had his ban increased to 4 games, while Mascherano gets no punishment for grabbing his face and starting the incident. Petrov gets a 3 game ban basically nothing, but there is no punishment for Ade nutting Bendtner. There's no consistency in this league.
  7. Try and sell this summer, fail, and wait for his contract to run out.
  8. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    Based on our recent games do ANY of our players have ANY strengths? They've all been absolutely gash, i find it very hard to pick out one for extra criticism.
  9. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    He's only 6'2, you can't expect him to be Samson - he's certainly strong enough to be a premiership defender in my eyes and like i said i have seen him out muscle guys like Drogba that are renowned for their strength. He doesn't read the game very well, but what young defender does? This is something that comes with years of experience, and as i have said i have seen improvement in this area. I also don't think he speed and distribution are as bad as you make out, the times he looks slow are the times he's either up against a super fast player like Petrov or when he's been caught out of position.
  10. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    Because we don't bum an average player just because he's come through the youth system? Taylor should think himself lucky he's the local lad who came through the academy because that's what has stopped most getting on his back inside of the ground. So why do people rate Taylor as a prospect, but not Ramage? Because Ramage is a Champion standard defender at best, Taylor on the other hand looked a player that was rough around the edges but could turn out to be a decent player when he first came on the scene, yet here we are 100+ games later and he looks no better, in fact we've discovered that he's thick as s*** and has no sort of footballing brain at all. People still hope he's going to turn into the player they thought, that's why they don't get on his back. I think you're making too many assumptions about WHY people have the opinions they have. I don't favour players because they're from Newcastle, never have, and i'm sure alot of people that have the same views as me aren't that biased either. First and foremost when judging a young player i look at his attributes, not his performances, and i see positive things in Taylor - firstly his aerial ability, he's our biggest danger at set pieces - yes he sometimes loses his man when defending, BUT this is to be expected of a young player, he's reasonably fast(not lightening ofcourse), he's strong physically(i've seen him bully Drogba of all people out of a game), and i have seen improvement in his positioning and maturity(ie not flying into tackles as much). I think he has good potential, but i also think he's not going to fulfill it as long as our team is so unorganized and unsettled - NO young player would fulfill their potential in our current team.
  11. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    Because we don't bum an average player just because he's come through the youth system? Taylor should think himself lucky he's the local lad who came through the academy because that's what has stopped most getting on his back inside of the ground. So why do people rate Taylor as a prospect, but not Ramage?
  12. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    Taylor has had three times as many appearances for his club and the U21 side, though. Where is the improvement in his game? Well i see improvement, he doesn't make as many positional mistakes as he used to, under Roeder he got noticeably stronger physically, and he doesn't dwell on the ball as much as he used to. We've seen him put in great performances against the likes of Chelsea, Man U, and Arsenal in the past, so we know what he is capable of. He's still very young for a centerback and as he gets older(and as the team around him gets better, lets face it the midfield offers no protection and there has been to time for partnerships in the back 4 to build up) he will get more consistent. People just need to show patience, something which seems to be lacking on this board when it comes to young players.
  13. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    Jesus christ. Wheater has exactly the same weaknesses as Taylor, the guy throws himself into challenges often taking the man instead of the ball and is often caught out of position. Against Sheffield at the weekend he got caught out and should've been off for pulling the chap back, and against us he could've picked up about 6 yellow cards. Some people on here would be tearing into him and calling him overrated if he was playing for Newcastle.
  14. They would make us pay through the nose for them. You could probably get Appiah and D'Allesandro for half as much. City hardly blew the bank for Benjani though, only £8 million or so I think once all extras have been paid, and seeing as he's been brilliant this season I don't see why Kranjcar or Muntari will cost much more. Benjani, despite having a good season, isn't actually that good though. He's 29 now and this is the first season he has a good goalscoring record, even in France he had an average record. Kranjcar and Muntari are much younger and much more talented.
  15. They would make us pay through the nose for them. You could probably get Appiah and D'Allesandro for half as much.
  16. I agree, and his time at Ajax is proving it, but i still see strong similarities between his time here and Owens. The major difference being Owen getting alot more patience.
  17. Well he hasn't exactly been a great signing has he? He's been a more expensive version of Luque, who was always injured aswell. I think if Owen was foreign he would've been shown the door already.
  18. Well, after Barton, Smith, and Owen i think we should steer clear of the English.
  19. Ashton hasn't looked good since he came back from his broken ankle IMO. I think he would end up costing £10m+ which would for me be bad value for money.
  20. Seedorf is a favourite of mine. Even now he would get into my world XI. Top player with a very good brain.
  21. Kimbo

    dirtiest 11?

    Special mention to Paul Scholes, "oh it's just that he's not very good at tackling", bollocks to that, mistimed or not he's always jumping in and missing the ball. Good technical players often get overlooked in this department, Bergkamp aswell, he was dorty as fuck.
  22. Replace our most innovative player for a striker who can't score. Sounds good to me. Darren Bent can't score? Just because he hasn't been able to break the Berbatov/Keane partnership irt doesn't mean he is a bad player. 02-03 Ipswich Town 12 Goals, 35 Games 03-04 Ipswich Town 16 Goals, 37 Games 04-05 Ipswich Town 20 Goals, 47 Games 05-06 Charlton Athletic 18 Goals, 36 Games 06-07 Charlton Athletic 14 Goals, 33 Games 07-08 Tottenham 3 Goals, 15 Games(7 starts) 2 Goals, 5 Games (UEFA Cup) Not a bad record at all, i would welcome Bent here.
  23. If we sell him to West Ham or Spurs that would be terrible business. It has to be either a top 4 club or a foreign club IMO. He has 4 years on his contract and we aren't desperate for cash so i think we should be in a strong position.
  24. Johnny foreigner, chump manager player.
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