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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. I still get really upset when i think about that Liverpool game, this week i heard that Klopp said something in the lines of it being the most sanctifying win of his career and it just amplified the feeling, I remember not too far back with Ashley and Bruce in charge i had no problem skipping a game in favor of doing something else and would quickly move on after a shit performance. Now i would cancel any plan/meeting if it conflicts with one of our games. And also, with the takeover and the success that came with it also brought back some really fond memories, i went to sleep on Tuesday feeling so happy that i got to witness our boys in the Champions League again, something about it reminded me of 13 year old me staying up and watching Shearer and the boys in our last champions league campaign, Bellamy's goal against Feynoord was the goal i celebrated the most in my life and at some point during Ashley i thought i'll never get to re-live those days. i think with getting older and having kids and other priorities you try not to invest too much emotional energy in football but i must admit it got a lot harder after the takeover.
  2. Aside from his debut hatrick Firmino has been terrible in the Saudi League
  3. On paper the most exciting game happening today
  4. Its bad for us overseas too, least ideal time to watch a game for me.
  5. Had that one went in!! he had his shaky moments but also worked very hard and almost won us the game stopping that attacking then getting a chance of his own, again our midfield looks better with him in it.
  6. Newcastle Fan

    Nick Pope

    Well done to him today and a deserved clean sheet.
  7. From Bristol Rovers to San Siro Looked very good when he came on.
  8. Terrible game from him today, was bullied by their defenders and hardly did anything on the left, i understand the decision to put him on the left but after 75th minute he looked totally knackered and should've been taken off. He'll have better games for sure.
  9. His Experience showed today, superb performance.
  10. Newcastle Fan

    Jacob Murphy

    It was his first start of the season and it was against AC Milan in San Siro, i think starting him ahead of Miggy was the right idea and hopefully he'll only get better from here.
  11. Newcastle Fan

    Dan Burn

    He's a really weird one, you don't want him to be playing but you also don't want to be playing without him
  12. Obviously will take him time but i'm not sure we know where his best position is in that team, even Anderson and Longstaff seem to have a more clear role.
  13. We were lucky to get a point but i thought his changes and even initial line-up was actually good today, only thing i would say is that Isak looked fucked from about the 75th minute and we could've paid a price for not bringing Barnes on earlier.
  14. Very happy with that to be honest, we were fighting relegation not so long ago and now we've gone and taken a point at San Siro with most of the players from that team.
  15. Its crazy that this is actually happening, hope he keeps Gordan on the right though as i can't stand the thought of Almiron playing against Theo Hernandez.
  16. Scored his first goal for them and it proved to be the winner on the night.
  17. I don't really know how he does it but we are so much more balanced with him in midfield.
  18. Newcastle Fan

    Dan Burn

    A Monster today, still useless going forward but nothing got past him at the back.
  19. What a character he is, always out to prove people wrong when he's doubted and was a nightmare to play against today.
  20. Far better option than Miggy on the right and did very well to win that penalty.
  21. He did very well, he was unlucky to not start the season having been our best player in pre-season and very pleased by his performance today. i am 50/50 of wither we should start him in Milan but next week he should be starting in the league for sure.
  22. What an absolute pile of bollocks, i live next to Saudi and have been traveling there for work regularly for the last 10 years, the level of reform and change that has happened to the country since MBS took over is staggering, the country and especially its women and youth are now more empowered than ever and people there are the happiest I've ever seen them since i started going, but yeah some guy wrote a book so it must be terrible over there Seeing is believing for me, I'm also in Newcastle frequently and nothing positive is ever mentioned in the media about Saudi or all the good things that MBS has done there, so i'm not surprised most people who haven't been there or witnessed the change hold on to a certain image and are actually embarrassed or think someone is either thick or a Saudi apologist if they say anything positive about the country.
  23. PIF thinks in the best interest of Saudi and i guess like Emirates they see London as as a very strategic place to market the new airlines so it makes sense to go for Chelsea.
  24. Its not a case of writing them off, we all hope that they will turn out to be class, but them being young and not really having much top level experience will add even more pressure on them, it's difficult to see a situation where they will not be expected to deliver immediately considering the games and tournaments we are in this year, which is why i was hoping we sign players with a bit more high level experience, unless we are willing to write this whole season off and use it as a learning experience.
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