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Segun Oluwaniyi

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Everything posted by Segun Oluwaniyi

  1. You could've got a better photo Being knocked out of what is likely to be his only World Cup can't be his happiest moment.
  2. Any particular reason they've done the deed, now? They're still in good position for a CL spot. Is it due to with the loss to CSKA? Bit harsh if that is the case.
  3. Is this being televised? Definitely would like to see SJP lit up for this massive game.
  4. That doesn't make any sense at all. I don't want to hear about promotion plans until we are mathematically sure.
  5. Couldn't we just start a striker instead of Butt? Are we that scared of Doncaster
  6. Agreed. Put him on the bench at least. He's important, but the club should not be bending over backwards for his nonsense.
  7. Also, being the first to come out is daunting for anyone. I think it is more likely that someone will come out near retirement like Fashanu or that someone will be exposed. (Actually, this has already happened, but it is generally swept under the carpet for the sake of the player)
  8. I didn't really intend negative connotations btw. I guess what I'm saying is that because it is a behaviour rather than a physical condition (i.e. you can't look at someone and deduce that they are gay) that it will be more looked down upon than race, disabilities, etc. Also, one can not deny the second part of my point, that male-dominated areas of society are not places in which people are openly gay. Footballers hide more for the reaction from teammates than from fans.
  9. This is a false statement by the way. Homosexuality occurs in many vertibrates across the animal kingdom and there is actually a great deal of research showing the benefits from an evolutionary standpoint. Ok, that is fair, but surely you cannot dispute the fact that it is a deviant behaviour and that people who engage in it will always be otracised to some degree. That is just the fact of the matter. Deviant? You're either born gay or not, dude. There's nothing deviant about it. Do you know what the word means? It deviates from the norm....therefore it is deviant regardless of how one becomes this way. That is quite clear.
  10. This is a false statement by the way. Homosexuality occurs in many vertibrates across the animal kingdom and there is actually a great deal of research showing the benefits from an evolutionary standpoint. Ok, that is fair, but surely you cannot dispute the fact that it is a deviant behaviour and that people who engage in it will always be otracised to some degree. That is just the fact of the matter.
  11. Name these players at every club who has fractured a team mates jaw. I have only known one person hit another at work and he was sacked on the spot, rightly. Yeah, generally committing an assault in your job is probaly a good way to be lose said job. We need to stop making excuses for these idiots. It is embarrassing.
  12. Homophobia always has been and always will be prevalent, simply because homsexuality is wrong just from a biological perspective. Some people will always have hatred for those who engage these behaviours The biggest problem is not with the fans itself, but with the atmosphere among footballers. It is male-dominated and homosexuality is well-hidden in almost every male-dominated industry. Even on this forum....how many openly gay members do we have? How many gay friends do you have?
  13. That would be a mockery of any sense of discipline, not talking about Carroll thinking he can get away with anything (which will endear him even more problems in the future). Not even Hughton would do that, surely. Not uncommon though is it? Those Hull boys fought in front about 50 women and they faced no punishment. I don't like it, but it's happened before. I suppose if he has actually injured Taylor, some punishment is probaly mandatory, tbh. Lets get some perspective the two fighting on the Humber bridge were Barmby & Bullard, the members of the Womens Institue who watched the fight could deck the pair of them. What we have here is a 6ft 4inch Gatesheed thug who has whacked someone again, here is a list of his previous victims: girlfriend, Charles N'Zogbia, Michael Cook (Blu Bamboo victim) & now Stevie Taylor. I don't see what size has to do with it. I'm a big lad myself, and I'd hope people would give me fair treatment. I agree about the point of him having a history though. At this point, it must be said the pattern does not bode well for him or for this football club.
  14. That would be a mockery of any sense of discipline, not talking about Carroll thinking he can get away with anything (which will endear him even more problems in the future). Not even Hughton would do that, surely. Not uncommon though is it? Those Hull boys fought in front about 50 women and they faced no punishment. I don't like it, but it's happened before. I suppose if he has actually injured Taylor, some punishment is probaly mandatory, tbh.
  15. Tbh, the more I think of it, nothing will probaly come of this unless Taylor would press charges. I wouldn't be surprised if Carroll played tommorow.
  16. Really hope Carroll hasn't done something foolish again. He's a promising player with a future, but he'll go the way of Marlon King if he keeps this nonsense up. Breaking someone's jaw while awaiting trial? Brilliant.
  17. Shola is close to fitness. He'll make up for missed time.
  18. It's a shame that they weren't the average standard though. billytray was saying Pele was doing it against better competition, but that is simply untrue. The standard of football was worse, the defending was worse, and players were less athletic. Tactics were less developed as well. It is ridiculous to say any from the 60's faced better competition than those in top leagues currently.
  19. Was the average standard of footballer in the 1960's really better than it is at the present? I would doubt that.
  20. Pompey would only have been four or five adrift without the penalty. It was a possibilty unti they hit administration.
  21. Actually, it is quite surprising that teams are not already doing this, just for the extra income it provides forom rabid fans who will buy whatever the team wears. I guess that is the point of those third strips that teams almost never actually wear, but some US teams will wear around six different strips in a season.
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