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Everything posted by Espio

  1. Is there a time limit on this? Is Bruce's dad filibustering it?
  2. Fuck sake, went to go make lunch and make a cuppa and HE'S STILL SAYING THE EXACT SAME SHITE as he was before I went
  3. Thanks guys, and also echo the sentiments @ManDoon obviously I've just gone through it all, so if you need owt, don't hesitate x
  4. My nan died from this on Friday gone. Wouldn't wish it on anyone, all the best to him and his family.
  5. Thank you Premier League for protecting us
  6. A broken clock is right twice a day
  7. Espio


    The one thing the mackems and the jocks have in common, they care more about hating their fiercest rival than supporting their own team.
  8. Ironic. Corn Flakes were originally invented by Kellogg's to stop people masturbating.
  9. Do I want it to happen? Yes. - Do I think it'll happen? Hopefully, but not sure. Judging by how things go our way, I'm cautiously optimistic as I think the majority are. Your sense of "realism" isn't that, it's just optimistic delusion and you're attacking anyone who thinks different. There's no way anybody outside of the actual case(s) know what is actually going on, everything that's said publicly is pure speculation. We've got some amazing firepower on our side trying to make this happen, and I fucking hope that the PL fold and give in but judging by our luck in the past, I wouldn't bet my house on it, maybe the kids, but not the house. We're all here for the same thing, we love the club and we want it to succeed but attacking each other because someone thinks differently is just fucking idiotic.
  10. From what I gather, it's basically 2 stupidly positive posters vs 2 stupidly negative posters and everyone telling them to shut the fuck up. Other than that, pass?
  11. 1342/5/7/20 Sportradar AG and Another v Football DataCo Limited and Others Shite all to do with us
  12. Definite photoshop on the home/away, badges have stroke and "emboss" filters on them I do like the 3rd though
  13. Ahh, my apologies, missed what you were responding to!
  14. It's also publicly available info, easy for some twitter nugget to put 2+2 together to make a rumour
  15. After Rebecca obliged, he replied: “Tremendous by the way.” Fucking nerd
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