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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. fredbob

    Jonas Gutierrez

    This man offically has 50% rights to my girlfriend, granted i'll never touch the sides again but it'll be worth it.
  2. 4 years ago we were easily the 5th best squad in england, since then we've gone backwards, i think finally we're at a stand still and have a squad which is probably equal to the one SBR left, in the mean time other teams have strengthened equalling our strength and some teams have even surpassed us. Its a shame that effectivley we've writ off 4 years of progress and have given up any financial advantage we may of have. Shame.
  3. So your counting on Owen and Martins to hold up the ball in the final third? Shola doesnt do it brilliantly but theres no one better who's available. if the ball isn't 6ft in the air owen does it a lot better "If" being the operative word here. Wouldnt go as far as saying Owen holds up play better - not with his back to the goal - his link up play is much better but when it comes to recieving the ball with his back to the goal he doesnt retain possession well enough. How many times have we seen Shola go for headers etc - thats basically how we play nowadays. thats how we play nowadays...when he plays. the best we have played recently is bal on the ground. even shola looked at his best with the ball played low. No question about that - our entire squad is geared towards having the ball on the floor- seems obvious to most people but somehow thats not exactly how we've been playing, personally id like to see all three play, but i dont think that will happen, i think Kinnear will be dying for an excuse to bring Owen on for MArtins and thats how i think it'll go. i agree but sub the word "MArtins" for "SH ola" No way - Kinnear loves Shola, he'll be scrutinsing Martins performances as hard as possible becasue he's desperate to bring on Owen but not at the xpense of what his his 1950's "how to score goals manual" says where only a big man little man combo will ever work. AWOOOOOOGA, innit.
  4. So your counting on Owen and Martins to hold up the ball in the final third? Shola doesnt do it brilliantly but theres no one better who's available. if the ball isn't 6ft in the air owen does it a lot better "If" being the operative word here. Wouldnt go as far as saying Owen holds up play better - not with his back to the goal - his link up play is much better but when it comes to recieving the ball with his back to the goal he doesnt retain possession well enough. How many times have we seen Shola go for headers etc - thats basically how we play nowadays. thats how we play nowadays...when he plays. the best we have played recently is bal on the ground. even shola looked at his best with the ball played low. No question about that - our entire squad is geared towards having the ball on the floor- seems obvious to most people but somehow thats not exactly how we've been playing, personally id like to see all three play, but i dont think that will happen, i think Kinnear will be dying for an excuse to bring Owen on for MArtins and thats how i think it'll go.
  5. again? Aye, like when he paid off the debts and that. Pay off debts = no interest repayments = a) More money for player purchases & wages or b) Higher profit margin for Mike What was the motive, a) or b) - you decide. Or both?
  6. So your counting on Owen and Martins to hold up the ball in the final third? Shola doesnt do it brilliantly but theres no one better who's available. if the ball isn't 6ft in the air owen does it a lot better "If" being the operative word here. Wouldnt go as far as saying Owen holds up play better - not with his back to the goal - his link up play is much better but when it comes to recieving the ball with his back to the goal he doesnt retain possession well enough. How many times have we seen Shola go for headers etc - thats basically how we play nowadays.
  7. So your counting on Owen and Martins to hold up the ball in the final third? Shola doesnt do it brilliantly but theres no one better who's available.
  8. exactly totally agree, or even bobby moncur someone that has lifted a trophy Think the big picture though - this club is more than just football its the heartbeat of the city and is economically and historicaly linked with the city, i cant thinks of a more apt person who epitomises what the club stands for than SBR. Think about it in terms of the city, not just Football achievemnts at this club.
  9. Personally, would have the acadmey named after him, having said that SBR is synonomous with Newcastle the city like no other manager is with another city. I think he represents more than just his achievments for this football club and can easily see a stand being renamed after him as being more than a football honour but more of an honour for the city.
  10. 2.8 Billion dollars I think He's a sport nut. He would easily invest in the club and build a winner. I would love him to be the new owner. Cool
  11. So back in debt then? Good times.
  12. £12m really was a good deal - we've made a £7-9m profit on a player whos absence wont effect us slightly - if anything it means we dont have that young british bias on the wing instead of real quality. Just a shame his sale will forever be a reference point.
  13. Owen will be on his way to spurs too.
  14. fredbob

    back barton

    Have to say I'm chuffed with his attidutde, its just a shame he doesnt use that determination to prove himself to us on himself. Credit where credits due he's shown alot of mettle. Said many months ago id have him as captain, changed my mind after Xmas now would definitely reconsider, create that seige mentality lke nothing else would.
  15. If Kinnear has any brass about him he'll use all 3. Shola is a poor mans Viduka at best and each strikers weakness is another ones strength, basically between them they have the roles of the front 2 covered. Would have Guthrie, Barton and Jonas in the mid. I'd go as far as saying i wouldnt begrudge Kinnear if he used that line up and he lost.
  16. Personal favourite, Kinnear will never drop Duff, really want to see Zog, think he;s a better ball carrier and will put more crosses in from more dangerous positions. Imagine having Zog and Jonas on both wings running at defenders and swapping positions....
  17. depending on the timing of the takeover i would be tempted to keep JFK til the end of the season just to stabalise it short term, then next summer start from scratch AGAIN. Its amazing what one win does. Everyone was pulling there hair out off the Sunderlando defeat and the manner in which we conceeded possetion to WBA. Me personally, I wuld replace JK if the chance cme of a decent manager. Obviously depending on our position come jan, id keep JK if we're doing well till the end of the season, but if we're not obviously id change managers. My sentimental side says that id like to see him given a role at the club if he were to do well for us either way.
  18. fredbob


    Its impossible to pick a position for him, because in each of the forward roles he has his weakness, i dont think he;s great at running onto the ball, i dont think he enjoys having the with his back facing the goal and i dont think his distribution and decision making is consistent enough. However Id say that id like to see him play the Owen role last season, in the hole where theres space and time to turn becasue its a difficult area to mark. I know we'd get some massive inonsistency out of him be it wild shots or innaccurate passes but i think he'd have the ability to do some good things during the game which could lead to oppurtunities. With Oba undroppable at the moment and Shola putting in a good shift by all accounts who makes way for Owen? I cant see Kinnear going with 3 up front and i cant see Owen being kept on the bench.
  19. fredbob


    Ive noticed that the boy has absolutley no control over the power in his left foot. He just doesnt relaise how hard he hits it be it a pass or delicate control. i saw a feww times that he absolutely lamps it sometime when he spreads play to the wings- even when theres no pressure.
  20. Sorry. it just winds me up that we've had a brilliant result tonight and this is what happens. Why would that post be on anyones mind after that game?
  21. fredbob

    Steven Taylor

    Played well tonight but i still dont think he knows what type of defender hewants to be - sometimes he attacks the ball, sometimes he plays the sweeper.
  22. Do you actually hate it when we're a success? Your not a fucking nufc fan.
  23. Barton will get suspended if the ref didnt see it, i guarantee it. Was silly to be honest to Abbonlahors inital incident was quite frankly ridiculous - id imagine that had Barton done what gabby had done there'd be fireworks.
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