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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. It doesn't matter even if it comes off, the horrible b****** was singing Keegan songs with the fans today, we should get rid. How embarressing. EDIT: Wish i hadnt said that!
  2. Dont think he;d be as disciplined in geting back as barton or geremi would be to be honest. If we are to play with 3 exclusive forwards then our 18 yards box needs cprotecting without exception, he didntreally povide too much defensive protection when he has played in CM in the past. For me, Zog is exclusively a left winger.
  3. Ashley 100% European qualification record??
  4. That's the thing. If we've got cash to spend and clear a few out - he can start building whatever he wants to build. Whatever formation/whatever system/whatever players. Tell me about it, its gonna be an exciting summer, at the moment, i dont know whichi would prefer seeing us play (442/433), Man U and Chelsea have been putting it to good use so if we canget the quality in this summer i cant see why we cant be the same.
  5. Depends what the formation is ...433 and id say mainly midfielders but ive assued 442 so go for DM,AM, and RW for opton was a sweeping centehalf to compliment Faye.
  6. Id take Lennon to be honest, £8m is a decent price in todys market for an english player. Ireally rate him highly, he's like the winger version of Martins in the sense he's so dangerous and scares full baclks. Can go on both wings, and mportantly makes runs to get behind the full back and aso gets past the full backs to the byline. When you have players like Owen and Viduka the quality of the cross isnt as important.
  7. Tis to me, highlights the importace of having a consistently good DM. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Butt it the most influencial player in our squad and when he plays well we do as well. Thoght we were excellent. Our forwards all proving that they have it in them!
  8. I'd love to see him go for Carrick, I doubt we'd get him but you never know, if he's home sick then we'd have a chance. I've lived away 3 times and wanted to come back the day after I left, I wasn't earning £millions to soften the blow which is slightly different. He's an excellent player, and worth trying for but I fear it will be in vain. Can't see ManU letting him go, and he was excellent by all accounts today. Man u dont really have a good record of letting players go before they're done with. Only one i can think of is Stam. Would love him here, thought it was possible at one point but now im not so sure. Would love a player of his ilk though.
  9. Because he takes cheating to new heights, unlike MOST of the others mentioned on here. Aye, Maradonna et al were absolute saints, to be fair to him he gets the s*** kicked out of him and has made a concious effort to cut down on it. No excuses though. I haven't seen one sign of any reduction in his cheating. He's still as bad as he was in Euro04, when he didn't get the 'best young player' accolade due to his cheating. id disagree with that to be honest, think he's reduced it massively although obviously he hasnt completely erdicated it. His dive versus Derby sums him up. Dived to win a penalty in the last minute when his team had already won. Brilliant player, massive c***.
  10. Yes, it was Bobby that transformed our side. He was always going to sign a quick forward & direct winger (as the bids for Jeffers & Zenden prove) & build the teams attacks around Shearer. Our current squad is crap, I suggest you look at the league table if your not taking on board what is banded around here. I think you are underselling the value that Robert and Bellamy had to that side. How can you attribute it all down to SBR?? Surely by that measure you're saying we'd of had the same success had Zenden and Jeffers signed, even though both tunred out to be pap despite playing for decent managers. Ive had a look at the table, thanks and it only reiterates my point. Surely you arent actually suggesting that the position of the club in the league at the moment is actually an accurate assessment of the quality we have in our squad. Are you?? I think your undervaluing the squad & manager that Robert & Bellamy joined. As I have said SBR was going to get players in for his tactics, he understood what he had to do & the players he signed with the players we had it all worked out. As for Jeffers & Zenden we will never know will we. Of course the league is an accurate assessment there is no other way to asses the team. Well then how can you attribute our rise from mid table to CL down to SBR, implying that Bellamy and Robert were only part of the jigsaw yet attribute the position we find ourselves in down to the quality of the squad. Theres a contradiction inthere somewhere, unfortunatley im not eloquent enough to articulate it! At the end of the day, if you think that this squad at the beginning of the season only had the quality to achieve what it has achieved so far then you are, in my opinion, underestimating the actual quality of our squad. As are alot of people on this board, which i have already pointed out. You think im undervaluaing the quality of the squad SBR era, well i think your undervaluaing the squad we have now. I just think that its too flimsy to say that Bellamy and Robert werent vital cogs to that team, at the end of the day, SBR achieved 11th position with the squad minus Robert and Ballamy, then went from 11th to 4th. With pretty much an identical squad to the previous season.
  11. Yes, it was Bobby that transformed our side. He was always going to sign a quick forward & direct winger (as the bids for Jeffers & Zenden prove) & build the teams attacks around Shearer. Our current squad is crap, I suggest you look at the league table if your not taking on board what is banded around here. I think you are underselling the value that Robert and Bellamy had to that side. How can you attribute it all down to SBR?? Surely by that measure you're saying we'd of had the same success had Zenden and Jeffers signed, even though both tunred out to be pap despite playing for decent managers. Ive had a look at the table, thanks and it only reiterates my point. Surely you arent actually suggesting that the position of the club in the league at the moment is actually an accurate assessment of the quality we have in our squad. Are you??
  12. Well i just think he's an amazing talent, he's already achieved a considerable amount in his short career, (CL semi, Euro 2004 Finalist, World Player of the year 3rd, 60-70 goals for Man U as a winger in 4 season(?), 20 goals at international level) For me he's proved himself to an extent at every single level, its unfair to call him a bottler because of the CL Semi final when in reality the whole team misfired), the likes of Zidane achieved personal glory at a much older age, its kind of unfair to directly compare the like s of Ronaldo to Zidane because as far as im concerned a midfileder has far more oppurtunity to control a game, and make a difference whereas its harder for a winger. If we were to consider the greatest winger then he'd be up there with the likes of Best so why not put him in with the likes of Zidane? Well maybe I'm prejudiced against wingers (if Ronaldo is even one), but I'd say in terms of the most impact a position can have, in my very quickly-formed opinion, it goes.. Strikers = Center mids/playmakers > Centerbacks > Wingers = GKs > Fullbacks Maybe this will explain why all the 'greats' in my head tend to be strikers/cms/traditional #10s? So if you're a winger, you're pretty much ruled out from ending up as a 'great' because of the position you play. So if you say Ronaldo is a winger, that'll be my explanation of why he isn't, and won't, end up being mentioned along the likes of Zidane. Well thats fair enough, in the end its all about personal opinions. In my opinion Ronaldo is the perfect attacking player, i genuinely cannot see any flaw to his game and he's already achieved a fair bit so i'm inclined to say he is up there with the likes of Zidane. Hopefully Portugal will achieve some long overdue success and maybe then he'll start to get the accolades i think he deserves. As for your ranking list, id actually put CM as the exclusively most important position. Look at nufc, its fair to say we have a decent forward attack whihc is being rendered useless because of our CM.
  13. Because he takes cheating to new heights, unlike MOST of the others mentioned on here. Aye, Maradonna et al were absolute saints, to be fair to him he gets the s*** kicked out of him and has made a concious effort to cut down on it. No excuses though. I haven't seen one sign of any reduction in his cheating. He's still as bad as he was in Euro04, when he didn't get the 'best young player' accolade due to his cheating. id disagree with that to be honest, think he's reduced it massively although obviously he hasnt completely erdicated it.
  14. Well i just think he's an amazing talent, he's already achieved a considerable amount in his short career, (CL semi, Euro 2004 Finalist, World Player of the year 3rd, 60-70 goals for Man U as a winger in 4 season(?), 20 goals at international level) For me he's proved himself to an extent at every single level, its unfair to call him a bottler because of the CL Semi final when in reality the whole team misfired), the likes of Zidane achieved personal glory at a much older age, its kind of unfair to directly compare the like s of Ronaldo to Zidane because as far as im concerned a midfileder has far more oppurtunity to control a game, and make a difference whereas its harder for a winger. If we were to consider the greatest winger then he'd be up there with the likes of Best so why not put him in with the likes of Zidane? Cristiano's not a winger iyam. What makes you say that? This year to be fair he's had more of a free role whereas last year he was definitely mainly a winger, last year he was scorer and provider woith something like 20 odd assits and 24 goals, this years he's been all about the goals, 33 goals 4 assists. Primarily though i would still classify him as a winger.
  15. Well i just think he's an amazing talent, he's already achieved a considerable amount in his short career, (CL semi, Euro 2004 Finalist, World Player of the year 3rd, 60-70 goals for Man U as a winger in 4 season(?), 20 goals at international level) For me he's proved himself to an extent at every single level, its unfair to call him a bottler because of the CL Semi final when in reality the whole team misfired), the likes of Zidane achieved personal glory at a much older age, its kind of unfair to directly compare the like s of Ronaldo to Zidane because as far as im concerned a midfileder has far more oppurtunity to control a game, and make a difference whereas its harder for a winger. If we were to consider the greatest winger then he'd be up there with the likes of Best so why not put him in with the likes of Zidane?
  16. Because he takes cheating to new heights, unlike MOST of the others mentioned on here. Aye, Maradonna et al were absolute saints, to be fair to him he gets the shit kicked out of him and has made a concious effort to cut down on it. No excuses though.
  17. fredbob

    Ronaldo vs Henry

    In my opinion Bergkamp was more talented than Henry but Henry got the absolute maximum out of his talent. Ronaldo for me, i think this big game thing is a bit of a myth, although no doubt there are stats whihc may show otherwise, but that game against Roma last year was one of the single best perfomrances ive seen from an individual for awhlie ( I know Smith got one as well but....)
  18. Not looking to bash this thread at all, but it seems nowadays people are desperate not to give Ronaldo the accolades he probably deserves. Im not sure why, but in my personal opinion he is the best player on the planet at the mo. He's onyl 23 and is nowhere near his peak which is scary, him and Messi are the stand out talents of football at the mo and for me, Ronaldo has already done enough to be considered in the same list as the likes of Zidane and Best. I rate him that highly.
  19. So what are you implying? That its a bit of a myth that those 2 transformed our side. I genuinely dont think that this current squad is absent of quality to the extent that is banded around this forum and that it will take a couple of things to get us back up the league, for me, its obvious quality in obvious position, namely DM, RW and AM but also a delibirate injection of pace throughout the squad. If we are to have faith in Keegan then its fair to say that he'll hopefully get the same results that SBR got with his signings.
  20. Took 2 players to transform our side once already, cant see why it cant be the same now. I think people are being over dramatic with regards to the quality i our side. Are there actually many people out there who think that player for player we deserve to be in the posisiotn we are in now? Am i the only one who thinks that as of yet we yet to see the best of the current team. 3 to 4 players would be ample. DM, RW, AM and a CB/CF. Think Keegan rates Taylor highly to be honest, so i think he'll stick with the Faye and Tayl combination, see if it can blossom a little bit.
  21. Think he's been pretty unlucky to be honest. Would be sad to see him leave and probably watch him develeop into the player he could be at another team. Think HTT is underselling Zog's reasons for leaving to be honest. I 100% sympathize with Zog. To say that he should be happy and grateful at a club like ours because he plays occasionally and gets paid for it is oversimplyfying the football equation. In al fairness to the boy he's 21 years old, and has played under 5 manager. He's seen a club go nothing but down,has had his talent recognized by all managers and fans yet he still hasnt had the run he deserves. Add the the fact he suffered hugely difficult times for anyone let alone a 19 year old in a different country, had his father figure sold (albeit for being poor) and has had a player who isnt by any mean deserved of the position play in front of him and i fully understadn why he'd want to leave. Saying he should be happy because he's getting paid is such a simplistic naive view.
  22. Cant see us getting anything out this game to be honest, just think Spurs are too strong at home. 2-0 Spurs
  23. That half a right foot whacked in an absolute screamer earlier on this season against Big Sam's Bolton. Took the fat b****** completely by surprise if I recall. Probably too busy studying stats to register anything out of the box tbh. Ok, a right foot which allows him a better change of direction.
  24. Still think he was the mole who said the team talk at Arsenal was sh*t, if so he won't be back. What makes you say that? To be fair, not heard anything since, i thought Taylor was widely tipped as the mole? Also, it was Allardyce who said there was a mole, surely Keegan wouldnt act so abruptly?
  25. McKay can't force anyones hand. Someone will have to pay quite a lot to buy N'Zogbia being on a 5 year contract and all. Wouldnt say yes to anyhting under £8m to be honest. That'll be the price, young foriegn talent who hasnt got a big reputation yet despite his obvious talents.
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