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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Yup, all the day trippers will be there to see yannited
  2. He says bumping the thread Tbf I think it's probably time to let this one go and let the irrelevant turd flush down the pages where he belongs, he's had his moment in the limelight.
  3. Bo;;ocks go when you want man don't listen to the haters Yes, I'm sure Matt's decision is all to do with 'the haters' and nothing to do with refusing to fund a malevolent cause for absolutely zero return. Well, the escalated quickly I'm pretty sure I would hate myself if I stepped foot inside. It's not about social acceptance, it's about moral fibre
  4. I'll be up in Newcastle for the first time in a year setting up one of my stores for the week next week, absolutely livid that this guy prevents me from going near SJP on the rare occasion I could.
  5. Really not sure on that one, pretty hard to determine who's telling the truth really
  6. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Just subscribed to The Athletic purely for this guy, I am not disappointed.
  7. Mattoon

    Rolando Aarons

    Makes sense to let ol’ Bwucey have a look at ‘em before he takes over here next season. Kept this little prediction quiet didn't you, you massive curse?
  8. I go in sports direct to get away from the missus when she's shopping in Primark, what else am I supposed to do on a weekend?
  9. It's the constant jibes at fans and the thickos lap it up that gets me. Basically calling us fickle so we bring out a song in his name, feck off you bunch of doylems
  10. Today was just meh, only followed on here, I can't just switch off but at the same time pretty emotionless when they scored and when we scored. It's bizarre to say the least.
  11. that'll shut the doubters up! Brewcies black and white army!!
  12. Don't forget an extra evening away from the old battle-axe too
  13. So this is what our "best chance of silverware" looks like? Brewcie couldn't have been lying to get fans on side could he??
  14. Our sports science knowledge has devolved into "can he run?" Hasn't it?
  15. he's clearly got the ability, hes been a bit unlucky so far and equally if he was dropped then the whole team would suffer massively.
  16. So long as he sticks to that formation and doesn't start to tinker they should be fine. It'll be like Pardew, get some slim wins and get spanked a few times, he won't set his stall out dependent upon who they're playing and he won't have an answer to anyone that figures them out.
  17. Anyone who isn't a cunt or has at least half a brain can see that his tireless running makes so much space for other players, he's unlucky not to have got a goal or assist yet but he will.
  18. Luke Edwards report about the Mighty Bruce revival in 3...2....1.....
  19. Completely skirting over the fact he's playing an alien formation to him and using Rafa's tactics
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