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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Jesse Lingard

    That's how I'd read it too, then who gives a flying what kind of fee we pay for a loan?
  2. Mattoon

    Jesse Lingard

    Anyone know how a loan fee pertains to FFP? Amortisation would surely be the full amount after the loan period expires?
  3. Mattoon

    Jesse Lingard

    Leaves the door open for both parties at the end of the season to reevaluate I guess.
  4. I always felt he'd be back some day, gutted.
  5. How many times are they looking at these City VAR calls? Watch ours back in fast forward and ignore it!
  6. 1 CB, with Fede and Schar I think a commanding CB will bring them on 2 CM, good performances from our midfield today but none of them are good enough or consistent enough to get through the season. 1 ST, Wood is not the answer, we've paid £25m for someone to get on the end of long balls. If we can get an improvement on LB I'd take one but Manq staked his claim today.
  7. ASM let the game and more pertinently the ref get to him and he dropped, decision making (bar the Willock chance) is getting worse too, he needs to start trusting his team mates more.
  8. Some big performances today, Schar motm for me, Shelvey just behind and Willock after spending the first 30 minutes frustrating everyone comes off looking more like the Willock we were desperate to spend £20m on. Even though Longstafg had a decent game by his standard, Mank looked 10x better than Dummett when he came on and even Clark was solid. Wood won a lot of long balls but wasn't much use after that, ASM poor today.
  9. Maxi gets a kick to the head and ref tells him to get up
  10. Great again by Willock, deserved rough score there
  11. Hoooof, falling far too deep again, 5 minutes to play
  12. Longstaff done OK on that left side of MF tbf
  13. Robbed of another pen, this ref has been suspect
  14. Willock has come into this game really well
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