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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Very much so. I think he always comes across as quite unassuming/lacking in credibility when he’s interviewed or grilles by MPs. Compare him to that cunt Phillip Green who comes across as a hard nosed cunt.
  2. Unfortunately I think mike is right on this one. You sir, are a rectangle. Rafa made too many demands (same as at previous clubs) he wanted to go to China & signed a pre contract agreement he also applied for the Leicester job. Go form an opinion, research both sides of the argument or failing that just fuck off. Actually, 2nd shot here. Fuck off, I mean that, you’re on the wrong place here. This place is full of people who have done so much for this club. People who started the flags, the singing corners etc, all of them on here. People who started Ashley Out, the Magpie group, all on here. People who have took up their own time to look into how Ashley conducts his businesses and how it effects NUFC, on here. People who have tried to ask him questions, even buying shares in his companies to do so, on here. People who have put their hands in their pockets to start protests against him, on here. People who have put their faces to protests and risked pesky legal action designed to intimidate them into submission, on here. People who have got into contact with business contacts in order to make attempts to buy the club, on here. These people are on here, and they have done more to support this club than those who just accept what Ashley says, buying season tickets and merchandise blindly. If you want to do that, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit are readily available, but don’t come here and start spitting the shit you have licked off Ashley’s arse to us. Excellent post, Stif.
  3. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    Fucking bald thumb fucking lackey cunt. Fuck off. Fucking tumour of a human being.
  4. Rafa gave me more as a fan than that fat cunt ever could have done. Belief that we were better than the sum of our parts.
  5. Unfortunately I think mike is right on this one. He and you have never been more wrong A lot of it is no doubt bullshit but don’t think Rafa is as innocent as everyone thinks he is Bollocks. That man had nothing but good intentions and a vision for this club. Bollocks. A-fucking-men. Even if Rafa was after the fucking money, who would begrudge him it after putting up with this amateur shit show for 3 years and having had the record that he has. Absolute fucking joke he’s being called out. Fuck off.
  6. Fucking love Belgian beer, me
  7. Are we really going to head to head with Vile for Harry Wilson?
  8. Zaha’s not gna go to Everton is he?
  9. How can this cunt still be so dodgy and unprofessional, man He doesn’t give a single fuck.
  10. Would put money on him having some sort of heart attack.
  11. Vile buying another player. Hope they crash and burn this season.
  12. The stuff of nightmares... Fancy the King starting that useless twat over HBA
  13. Not to be a stuck record, like, but absolutely nothing will come close to quiet dignity this man had and the pride I felt when he was our manager. Ashley could sign Messi and it still wouldn’t bring back the excitement I had knowing Rafa was one of us, bringing people together and bringing the love back for wor club. £40 million or £50 million signings count for fuck all when they’re being organised on the pitch by Steve fucking Bruce.
  14. Fancy spunking all this cash for a team to be managed by Steve fucking Bruce, man :lol:
  15. Dean Saunders on Talksport said Leicester and West Ham were his picks to go down this season. Another one for the glue factory. Fuck me.
  16. Fancy tapping up Steve Bruce :lol:
  17. Fuck this cunt. Haven’t hated a footballer more. Talentless prick.
  18. Didn’t realise Bale was on 550k a week He’s got no chance of getting that elsewhere. He’s 30 and on the decline.
  19. Chelsea will have plenty to stay there imo. Integrate some of their youngsters and they’ll be fine.
  20. Was probably someone cheaper for the fat cunt to employ.
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