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Everything posted by toon25

  1. The comments following that article
  2. Everton. Hate them so much. Scouse mackems. Villa for obvious reasons. Manure. Them 3 please. Couldn’t agree more.
  3. Which clubs would folk like to see crash and burn today/this year?
  4. Bruce is like the cover teacher you see walking in because Rafa was an interview for a private school job Queue pandemonium, lobbing of books, punching your mate in the arm, and failed exams.
  5. Loved Rafa’s long term approach, man.
  6. She’s no Mary Berry, like. Miserable old crow that she is. Haven’t been unimpressed by Norwich going forward. They pass the ball well.
  7. Any comment from the little runt?
  8. Thank fuck. Massive news. Now fuck off.
  9. Hoping today is the day he’ll be told in no uncertain terms he’s not a footballer worthy of a PL spot. Irrespective of how little I care anymore, I really hope this cunt gets what he deserves.
  10. For this to happen, he has to be in the 25....unless Atsu is dropped then he won’t be in! Hope you're right, as in not in the 25 obviously. Would be absolutely fucking hilarious given his arse kidding recently.
  11. A wind up surely. No way this deluded cunt is going to play in Leygue 1
  12. Iwobi for £40 million He’s absolutely shit
  13. When’s he going to be in contention? Sounds like he’ll be a good month or two away
  14. Everton spend ridiculous amount of money to get fucking nowhere season after season. Surely there’s some FFP shit coming their way soon.
  15. How much is Sessegnon going for?
  16. One of them had got to end up at Burnley
  17. Probably because he didn’t give them an easy ride.
  18. Has he had any minutes in pre season just out of interest?
  19. Gayle is going to be 30 come October. This is the last chance to get some coin back for him.
  20. Was quite slow if I remember correctly. Never struck me as especially mobile enough to make it in the PL in his preferred position.
  21. What’s happening to Southampton? They’ve got to be struggling this season, surely.
  22. The whole player signing thing is just fucking bizarre to me. It’s absilutely nonsensical, and entirely stereotypical, of that fat cunt to get in some players with promise, and yet steadfastly refuse to invest in a decent manager.
  23. I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing. This.
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