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Everything posted by toon25

  1. I fucking hate this cunt. Bound to get back into the fold.
  2. Luke Edwards can get to absolute fuck, like. Fucking sackless charlatan should be calling this out for what it is, increasing the pressure on MA
  3. Someone grateful to be offered a job they have no realistic right to (see Charnley), pays cheaper than what the role entails (see Charnley) and will do what he’s told on the budget given whether he likes it or not, knowing he’s in no position to really question it because he’ll be out on his arse and back at a lower ranked job (see Charnley). This is a good point too. It says it all about the attitude towards fans when you’ve essentially got numbskulls being promoted beyond their capabilities to run a football club.
  4. This is what I was saying yesterday. It’s blatant mismanagement.
  5. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    Odious little shitstain needs tearing apart.
  6. Direct action and a match needs organising.
  7. If any bidders have been fucked over by moving goalposts, it’s be nice to see them blow the lid off this fucking thing
  8. Imagine the pressure local journos could bring to bear on this whole farce....
  9. It’s astonishing how incompetent they are, like. They’re absolute fucking idiots.
  10. They were also playing that game before the market really blew up. Which is to say, we brought in the likes of Cabaye, Sissoko, Debuchy, et al for far cheaper relative to the market than we would now. Every c*** is going for £20m+ these days. Exactly, the French have cottoned on and soon as someone comes knocking for the best players the asking price gets jacked up. Totally agree with this. They’re fucking neanderthals, man.
  11. It’s laughable that they think any manager worth his salt would take the opinion of Lee fucking Charnley and Ashley’s lackey wankstain of a lawyer on players to sign. Absolutely fucking incredible. I can’t see the process of selection of players being anything but the plucking out of thin air of some release clause players from the French league. There won’t be any numbers, any stats, any reports, any discussion as to how the value of players will increase with good coaching and incremental improvement. It doesn’t fucking matter who we sign. The soul has been ripped out of our club.
  12. Who’s actually deciding on the players though? Charlene doesn’t have a fucking clue and there’s no Graham Carr to fish the shit out of bins for Ashley.
  13. Knew they’d spend big as soon as they came up. Cunts.
  14. This is such a fucking laugh, man. On what planet would Steve Bruce be first choice manager for any PL club in 2019. As folk have said, it’s wilful neglect.
  15. The takeover farce will be put to bed as soon as this weapon is appointed.
  16. What a fucking apologist this cunt is. Fucking deplorable he’s paid as a sports journo. Not a fucking clue and an Ashley enabler.
  17. Who the fuck would be happy with this appointment?
  18. Absolutely nailed on that Wednesday’s replacement will be a better manager than our fuckwits could have hoped to appoint.
  19. It blatant, like. Can folk think of any similar examples of owners in the PL era that have made decisions that are deliberately intended to set the club backwards? Absolute fucking joke.
  20. Man City’s new shirt is dog shit. Typical Puma fuck up job. They’ve had some lush kits with Nike.
  21. Hope he gets popped by some Russian Gs
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