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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Will be interesting to see how quickly Bruce will unravel all of Rafa’s work on organisation.
  2. Agreed, sadly. Knew they’d splash the cash if they came up, the cunts. Some folk have them in the bottom 5 this year. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them 10-14th.
  3. "Which again, to me, is a bonus"
  4. He’s a heart attack waiting to happen tbh. He’s like Kinnear in that it’s only a matter of time before ill health finishes off his career.
  5. Well, according to the 2017/18 accounts, WE ALREADY FUCKING HAVE!!! Along with Saivet and Lazaar, amongst others. No doubt when the 19/20 accounts get published in 30 months time, everyone will have forgotten, and their wages (which were written off in an extraordinary piece of accounting chicanery) will quietly be added back onto the wage bill, and who would ask by then, as we try to stay in League One? That's a fucking good point actually. Is there a link to this?
  6. Bombard the cunt’s social media. Let him know how much he’s not fucking wanted. Never known such a talentless arsehole to kick up such a stink at a world class manager.
  7. I can’t see them, especially Hayden, as being anywhere near as effective as he was under Rafa. He improved no end under his tutelage.
  8. toon25


    He’ll be off on loan somewhere next year anyway. Won’t want to play in the championship I’m sure
  9. Just seen SSN interviews with folk protesting against Ashley. Their focus on player sales and lack of investment is actually an argument that is all too readily dismissed/argued against. Much more attention would better be placed on the fake takeovers and, albeit its a historical event, Ashley’s treatment of Jonas.
  10. Does anyone know someone that knows this cunt that could pass some of this stuff on? The cunt is so fucking brazen. Fuck off.
  11. Hope his every touch is booed to fuck.
  12. toon25


    The fact that they’re sounding so much money on this guy and not spreading it around to areas in absolutely dire need of investment says it all. CM. RW. LW. RB and LB would all need improvements if Mike wants to keep them up.
  13. The day that fucking dinosaur was appointed was the day I realised we were fucked. The cunt should’ve been in a dementia home long before then.
  14. Director of Football man :lol:
  15. We’ll be getting a hammering off Porn Bros United on Sunday I think
  16. toon25


    That’s fucking League 1 levels of shit right there
  17. This lot have never had a plan B. Bruce is on his way! Wonder why/where the story came from?
  18. toon25

    David Squires

    That’s brilliant. ‘Wash that red lips off and sign this zero hour contract’
  19. What a twat. Challenge my arse, ffs.
  20. Wake up from that ridiculous dream.
  21. If only we had such militancy
  22. Was just thinking that photo with Carver and his mates scoffing pies in the canteen is going to be relevant again soon. We'll have an updated version with Steve and his assistants soon! The football is going to be absolutely vile but the laughs we will have. Ah man. How fucking close is he standing there, btw. Would despise him off that alone if I knew nothing else. He’s watching to make sure he’s got enough doner on his mixed kebab feast
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