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Everything posted by toon25

  1. This fat cunt should fired out of a cannon into Whaley Bridge. Stolen a fucking living for years.
  2. Poor old Miggy will be spending a lot of time in the bench this season I reckon. Should serve him right for being a Rafa signing.
  3. Can’t imagine him being too happy with the transfer policy though. He’ll not be able to make such inspirational signings as Jay Rodriguez and Eric Pieters
  4. 100% agree. I don’t even think Maguire is that good to be honest. Certainly not the calibre of player worth spunking that amount of money on. Woodward is fucking nuts, man.
  5. Yep. Good old Charners.
  6. So is every club bar 4 or 5 (your Man City, Manure, Barcelona, etc). The problem is that any money coming in won’t be reinvested. So if they do happen to stumble across a player like Longstaff, despite the utter embarrassment we have of a youth system, there’s not even a conveyor belt to ensure that another youngster will come through. We’ve had two decent players come through in 10 years ffs. And even then one of them has only had a handful of PL games.
  7. He’s almost 27 Christ that makes me feel old
  8. Martinez plays mindless, stacking, football. Brewcie has no fucking idea what he’s doing being the difference.
  9. Norwich have an excellent team spirit. Think they’ll give it a good go this year, but they hadn’t planned to go up so quickly hence the lack of signings. The full backs there are top notch and they play some nice stuff. They’ll be there or thereabouts in terms of relegation but I wouldn’t think they’ll be walkovers.
  10. First season that I’ve felt a real detachment from NUFC. Absolutely shit feeling with the new season about to start.
  11. He was one in a million, Bobby. I still miss him - not only because he typified everything that has been lost in society as a whole. The emphasis in care and compassion. To better yourself, not by fucking each other over, but through kindness and generosity. God bless the man.
  12. Fucking hell. We’ve fallen so far, man. Tragic.
  13. Some talent there, like.
  14. If Ashley wants to turn a profit on players, Harry Wilson is exactly the type of player he should be going for.
  15. They’ve also got an ageing team. Would be interested to see the average age there.
  16. Will miss the strong finish to the season we always had under Rafa. The regime he had players working under meant that after an invariably tough start and a disappointing Christmas, we always looked as though we had that little bit extra in the tank come February. We could give anyone a game then. Will Bruce be sacked if he’s predictably shite? Or will MA risk sticking his investment on ice in the champo until wor Brewcie can bring them back up?
  17. Brewcie will be needing similar help, I’d imagine.
  18. toon25

    Stanley Nsoki

    If they could get anything close to £5 million for Dummett they’d be doing well
  19. Desperate for wing backs and not one linked
  20. Richarlison aside, Everton look bang average up front. Not enough goals to push them into the top six....yet
  21. Going to be glorious. Fuck you Mike.
  22. I wouldn’t have a problem with that if I felt the club wasn’t being run as bargain fucking basement. See: Bruce, Steve
  23. Would love to know who the other two on the supposed 3 man shortlist.
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