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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Only 3 statements matter: Sun journo breaking it. Bin Zayed stating they’d agreed a price. Club officially confirming bin Zayed statement. Nothing else during or after those statements mean fuck all, yet a lot of money has been made off the back of it. Spot on
  2. Interesting. Ashley is scrambling around for money for some reason. Hopefully this will not negatively impact any necessity to sell us. I genuinely think he wants rid of us this time. His business plans are suggesting a change in direction and he clearly doesn’t have the spare capital needed to get done what he needs. Also reckon that his ties with NUFC are giving him a shitty reputation that he needs to caste off. That greasy dodgy cunt Phillip Green, for instance, gets away with equally disreputable shit, but he doesn’t have the public vehicle of a football club and pissed off fans to bring it to the attention of the public every week. His closure of stores last wk slipped under the radar as a case in point.
  3. I really like Colin. Always comes across as a genuine bloke.
  4. Whatever the case, it’s never been this much of a smokescreen whereby statements have been released from interested parties stating that a price has been agreed and a sale is moving ahead. Ashley wants shot of us and certainly won’t want two-bit local journos browsing Internet forums for info in on any deal. He doesn’t give a fuck about letting them know. I’m staying positive. Unless there’s a statement from the club or from an interested party, I’m not interested.
  5. They all know fuck all If the group have released a statement, I’m believing that!
  6. I’m taking everything this lot say with a massive pinch of salt.
  7. No shit Mark. Nobody is asking for that.
  8. Caulkin’s article saying nothing new there
  9. He’s not the fat cunt that has alienated thousands of fans, relegated us twice, and generally diminished any sense of pride or passion so many once had for the club.
  10. How long does this stuff take to go through ffs!
  11. You’re back! :smitten: Bloody brilliant.
  12. Down with this sort of thing He’d surely only have to have done that if the bid was accepted in the first place, right?
  13. If it goes through I just hope that we build slowly ala those cunts Wolves. No billy big bollocks players.
  14. How long do these things take to go through if they’re at this stage?
  15. There’ll be no transfers in or out whilst the takeover is going through.
  16. No way. He’s worth 35 in this market at least. Manure wanted Longstaff for 20
  17. Don't remember any reports of a deal being done during the Staveley saga. There were bids, but it was never happening. Aye. This is why this feels different. It’s never even come close to being ‘done’ before
  18. Switched off. Bollocks. Hope we beat these cunts twice next year.
  19. Yep. An absolute fucking Neanderthal.
  20. They’re all now on the fucking wind up. We’ve given them a bite.
  21. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. That’s that. Cunts.
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