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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Yeah, Wolves lack firepower for sure. Jimenez seems to miss boatloads of chances. Traore looking much like the headless chicken too. £18 million ffs.
  2. That’ll be Southampton imo
  3. Chris Sutton on 606. Fucking cringe. What an absolute melt.
  4. I never win bookings bets. Always getting fucked over by lenient refs.
  5. A very good appointment imo. Suits Fulham to a tee
  6. God, the number of utter fucking bellends in that studio. Having listened to Sutton on 606, he’s an absolute utter fucking cunt. Arrogant as fuck.
  7. Better than he is a manager.
  8. Also nice to see a footballer not covered in tattoos too
  9. toon25

    Ki Sung-gone

    I’d love to see Shelvey further forward just to see what he can do in that position, but Rafa doesn’t tend to experiment in that regard
  10. To think we were competing with Spurs at one time... Always used to see us at the same level, more or less. Not quite there in terms of competing for the title, but certainly tegular European contenders. How far we’ve fallen...
  11. toon25

    Ki Sung-gone

    Redeeming himself after a couple of crap performances.
  12. He’s so fucking calm. Never panics, even when we’re absolutely shite. Throw him all the cash he wants you fat cunt.
  13. Classic long ball to nobody. Giving possession away. Same old. Shit scared of the ball. Massive upgrade on him needed if we’re to get anywhere.
  14. Such a strange appointment in the first place. He’s got absolutely nothing about him.
  15. Vicki Sparks commentating on 5Live
  16. Was he another one pedalled by that cunt Souness? He fucking destroyed a great side.
  17. Madison is a fantastic player, like. Saw him often last season when going to Norwich games. Always a threat and always willing to take on a man and make things happen. Fuck me how I wish we had someone like him.
  18. I’m not blaming Rafa, but he’s got no ideas how to get a tune from the heap of stinking shit he’s got to work with.
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