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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25


    If Jack fucking Wilshere gets a call up, man.
  2. Agree with this, 100%. We could lose the lot and I'd not give a shite.
  3. He's got nee pace. That'll stop him from becoming a top player imo.
  4. Someone ought to fucking brain this useless cunt. Complete coward to boot. He'll be a mainstay of our championship side next year sadly.
  5. Maybe...I just don't think the players have it in them to handle the pressure. Today was a must win and, man for man, we should've had the better of them. Fancy not buying a striker though, man. Fucking hell.
  6. This squad simply isnt good enough. We're down and I'm fucking fuming. If they hadn't waited so long to bin that useless cunt we might have had a few more games left for Rafa to build some momentum.
  7. This squad simply isn't good enough. If we'd had a decent manager in from the start of the season perhaps something could have been rescued. Rafa was too late coming and, once again, those awful cunts in the boardroom have given fans yet another false dawn.
  8. Seems convinced we'll stay up.
  9. Pulis is an utter shit stain on football. Much like us under Ashley.
  10. Fucking west brom. Awful shitty team. Fuck right off.
  11. Jason Roberts can fuck off
  12. Really depressed after tonight. The first time we get a world class manager for years and I feel it's just going to be another false dawn. Gutted.
  13. It's all too little too late. Should have sacked off that incompetent island hair cunt long ago.
  14. The more distractions they have, the better for us.
  15. Watford are a pain in the arse of a team.
  16. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    He couldn't change a game. Once we started poorly we often wouldn't be able to turn things around. The fact he always left it so late to make subs didn't help.
  17. He's signed on for 3 years. If we stay up he'll stay on. I just fear it's too late. Absolutely absurd that he wasn't given longer to work with the players. We threw away the game last week and gave 3 points away and almost guaranteed the safety of one the teams we were jostling with for relegation.
  18. Do folk really think it's between us, Sunderland and Norwich? Or is there a chance we could catch Swansea/Palace?
  19. I sincerely hope that McClaren hasn't completely destroyed confident throughout the squad.
  20. The next 2 games will determine whether we'll be OK or whether it'll be squeaky bum time until the end of the season. It's clear that the players are keen to impress and, equally, that McClaren couldn't motivate them. If they get their shit together, we could be catching up with Swansea and Palace
  21. Good on him for cancelling the players' day off too. Brilliant stuff. Absolute fucking joke they were allowed one beforehand.
  22. Still can't believe this. Such a shame it's so late in the day.
  23. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    So pleased. Sick of glaring incompetence being rewarded at this club.
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