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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Team needs a massive lift.
  2. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    This. He didn't have a clue from the start. A complete and utter trainwreck of an appointment. A total fucking coward.
  3. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    All this 'character' bollocks he's trotted out after every defeat. Boiled my piss.
  4. Our squad is a steaming pile of shit. If he can get a tune from them it'll be a small miracle.
  5. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    'Cling on', man. Says it all. Will stay in a job he's absolutely fucking shit at, with absolutely no respect from anyone he works with. He's as much a coward as that other ginger cunt he picks week-in, week-out.
  6. I detest this cunt. Absolute fucking fraud of a footballer.
  7. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    If this inept cunt received even half the shite we gave Pardew he'd be gone imo. He's a fucking coward, this one.
  8. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    There's not a chance someone like Benitez is going to risk sullying his reputation with a prospective, and likely, relegation. If there is an appointment it's going to have to be made with one eye on the Championship. Pearson seems the most likely option.
  9. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Don't feel sorry for him at all. He's absolutely fucking useless and complete shite at the job he was employed to do. What's more, he's another cunt who's happy to insult the intelligence of the fans by trotting out utter lies after we've suffered another humping. He can fuck off. He's as bad as Carver.
  10. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    The loss yesterday will change nothing sadly. Those cunts on the board will know nothing now that they didn't know before the long break - the perfect time to have binned him and brought in someone new. The fact they didn't push the button after the Chelsea game beggars belief. If they didn't then, they won't after another humiliating loss.
  11. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    There's literally not a hope in hell that this twat is likely to get any results to pull us out of this. That's blindingly obvious. If he's still here by this evening then, frankly, we need to go down. We need a good few years of lower league football to clear out the shit, drive out the cunts at the top, and reinvigorate support for the club. I would be gobsmacked if the board thought there was a chance this could be turned around. It's obvious to all in the same way it's obvious that Villa are fucked.
  12. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    I'd dearly love to know the rationale behind keeping him.
  13. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Aye. That's why we need relegation imo. There's absolutely no chance of us getting our club back whilst we're still in this league.
  14. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Who seriously swallows this guff? He Joe Kinnear levels of incompetent, this cunt.
  15. It's been a long time since I can remember a new signing give less of a fuck than Shelvey.
  16. Nice idea, but that's ghastly. Looks like a pyjama top.
  17. Reading this it's clear as day that we need relegation in order to get the day cunt to sell and for us to rebuild. Complete and utter blind ignorance in the refusal to even acknowledge the gaping holes in the squad and the lack of progress on the pitch. Can only hope that a relegation and a possible Southampton-style renaissance would help us to get our club back. Given the size of the club and the size of the fan base, I'd hope that a rebuild wouldn't see us plummet down the leagues.
  18. Who the hell are these Man City players? Sound like FM regens
  19. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Aye. One thing this mob needed was some semblance of team spirit drilled into them and he hasn't done it. They won't work for him and they won't work for each other. There are also far too many quiet players, lead by captain silence himself.
  20. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    I detest that wobbly faced cunt, and it says a great deal that that option seems far more preferable at this time than watching us capitulate under McClaren.
  21. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Moyes would whip this bunch of absolute cowards into shape and get them organised, I'm sure.
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