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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    I'm genuinely surprised he's not received any stick from the stands. Strange given I think that if sufficient pressure were to be placed on him he'd fuck off.
  2. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Why don't some of these wanker 'fans' in the media start some of campaign to kick him out. They're so fucking compliant.
  3. No prima-donnas or egos. Aye. Don't have any of their players touting themselves to other clubs at every opportunity ala Sissoko.
  4. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    He's an absolute fucking joke, like. Totally out of his depth.
  5. Didn't expect to win, but this is fucking pathetic. Now how many times have we said that in the past 2/3 years?
  6. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Gives a nice confidence boost to our rivals, this. The fat one needs to act now and not pull any of this 'stick with him' shit like he did with Carver last year.
  7. Hell not make any subs to change this either...already it's too late
  8. A nice little confidence boost going into some relegation six pointers. Nice one.
  9. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    The odd freak home victories have bought this cunt time. Should have been obvious he wasn't up to it after he first 10 games and now we're in this the mess.
  10. toon25


    What an awful awful cunt. I hope he never again sees the light of day. Subhuman scumbag.
  11. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    No subs ffs. He doesn't know how to turn things around. Today makes no difference. Get rid or we're going down.
  12. The way Ranieri has got them playing out of their skin is hugely admirable. Superb stuff. Something successive managers here have failed to do completely.
  13. We both know he'll finish lower in the table than Pearson, though. This is the opposite tbf, they hired young, progressive managers. Leicester have hired a past it old man who has let the game pass him by. http://i.imgur.com/DcpP1zA.gif Oh bugger off Good on Ranieri, I hope he does fucking win it. Either way, I've been proved wrong.
  14. Agreed. Which makes our signing him even more absurd. No way were we in a position where a 20 year old from the Belgian league should have been our main striker.
  15. Best of a bad bunch. But still shite and wants out to boot. Fuck off.
  16. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    This attitude and commitment bollocks isn't going to wash any more, not even among the media. As an aside, I fucking hate gifting wins to that smug cunt Martinez.
  17. Absolutely. We gift these underperforming sides wins on a regular basis. Other teams must love playing us. We just throw in the towel on a consistent basis.
  18. Absolutely fucking disgusting 'performance'. Doesn't help one iota that every loss is heralded as a 'magnificent' effort by the clueless twat in the dugout.
  19. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Another gutless cunt. Add him to the list. No capacity whatsoever to turn this around.
  20. One would think that these twats would've been fired up for this. Fucking ridiculous.
  21. It wouldn't have mattered what we spent in the window when this twat is still manager. He's achieved the grand sum of fuck all since coming here. No improvement whatsoever.
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