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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Fucking hell that's vile. A swing and a miss from Nike.
  2. toon25

    Danny Guthrie

    The good thing about Guthrie, is that he can come in and do a job straight away. Gosling, Abeid, and even Vuckic, for one reason or another, simply haven't been able to do the same. Guthrie has been great this season and I think we'll need someone of similar ilk if we're to maintain the standard we've set this year especially when Tiote goes to the ACON. I'm afraid I don't know enough about Amalfitano or Butterfield to pass comment, but I do hope that they fit the bill.
  3. Need to chill out. Pressure ought to on them rather than us, really.
  4. toon25

    Sol Campbell

    Thought he already had - was under the impression that he retired as soon as he was released. Oh well. Was a very good defender back in his prime.
  5. Im not expecting anything other than a comfortable home win so I'm quite chilled. Anythings a bonus tonight, very hard game. Aye, Chelsea to win by 3 or 4, I fear.
  6. Aye, but at least there'll be one likeable person in the England set-up
  7. Roy I believe would be one of the few managers that would be prepared to drop Gerrard etc to bring in younger players as well. Harry wouldn't imo. Agreed. Hodgson is far more likely to give the team a shake-up and actually bring in players that will earn the shirt on performances rather than reputation. We might even see an England manager at SJP to take in a game or two for the first time in years. Redknapp would be more of the same. No pride in having a cunt like him in charge.
  8. Whatever the result on Sunday I hope we make it an unfortable afternoon for that cunt De Jong.
  9. Manure were shite. Jones and Rooney were shocking.
  10. Hopefully. I must admit, I'm more optimistic that Hodgson would be prepared to adopt a new approach than Redknapp. A lot of these 'golden generation' players, Gerrard, Lampard, Terry, Cole, etc., need to realise that they need to actually earn the shirt. For too long England has been like one big boys club. Until the team is shed of that mentality they won't be getting my support.
  11. Wholly agree. Right man to bring respectability back to the job. Fucking Redknapp trying to promote himself didn't work then. Brilliant. Really like Woy. A man of integrity for once getting the recognition he deserves.
  12. I just don't mind Blackburn, tbh. My Dad's a Rover and besides I'd much rather have Blackburn in the Prem than Stoke or Wigan.
  13. So glad I turned off after the first goal. Looked like it was going to be a non-contest from the start. Anyway, sort of feel sorry for the Blackburn fans - Kean was never going to take them further than relegation fodder.
  14. A team challenging for the CL should never in a million fucking years be 4-0 down to fucking Wigan at half time. We've had too many these score lines this season (Spurs and Fulham). Desperately disappointing so far, good season or not.
  15. Come on ffs. These cunts can't even fill their stadium. Let's have these no-marks!!!
  16. How could you possibly know this? I don't. If he has, fair enough. I just don't like the guy. No, it's not his fault that he was given a contract too good to refuse, nor that he's simply not very good. I'm sure he's probably a jovial chap off the field too. But he epitomises everything that was wrong with this club - overpaid has-beens bleeding the club dry whilst we teetered on the edge. The only reason he hasn't been swiftly moved on was because: a. His wages. b. He's shit. Let's take the chance whilst we have it and get shot for good.
  17. What are the chances on Pep taking over the Spanish national side should Del Bosque leave after the Euros?
  18. The long and short of it is that the guy is a fraud of a footballer. Do we really want him 'coaching' our kids? Hardly an inspiration. I'm not saying that only the best players make the best coaches, but he's got no coaching credentials whatsoever to suggest that he could be a decent appointment. Anyway, as others have said, I can't see Pardew/Ashley sanctioning it.
  19. toon25

    NUFC Kits

    Jesus. Who are they kidding? Can't believe kit designers get paid to peddle this shit. What's wrong with plain and simple ffs.
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