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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Think he was quite flexible. Remember a few games where he was a more conventional forward in a 442 or 433, and one or two when he was on the left or right of a front three.
  2. Frustrating as fuck that we've clearly got the makings of a very good side here. If that fat cunt were to put his hand in his pocket we could make a real push for a solid top half finish and at a push, Europe.
  3. Not worried about our slow start to games at the mo. We had such a disrupted pre-season it's bound to take a few games before we get into some sort of stride. We DESPERATELY need players, however. They want fucking shooting with shit if we've not managed a LB and striker by Wednesday.
  4. Seems strange that Pardew's been so quick to drop him, especially since he perseveres with Lovenkrands in spite of consistently shite performances. It does make you wonder whether he was Pardew's signing in the first place.
  5. It does seem to have been executed pretty well assuming it comes off. I'd be happy with a combination of any of those four tbh but Cissokho would be the preference for LB. Agreed. They'd be daft not to go for him if he wants to come here.
  6. Think he's got a sell on clause mate, which is why Brest are speaking to Lens.
  7. http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/5405/unledzdo.jpg
  8. As people have said, would now like to see Vuk step up. Now is as good a time as any, especially if we're going with a 433. About time we started bringing some youngsters through. In the last 3 years I can only really think of Carroll who was given an opportunity.
  9. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Let's just hope he's replaced and let's just hope that this is but another day that we move closer to that fat cunt and his cronies fucking off.
  10. toon25

    The striker

    Frankly, on the showing of our current lot so far, we need a 'main striker', a number 9 if you will. Sadly, we're not going to get that in spite of having months to prepare and millions in the bank. Fuckers.
  11. Hope he picks up his performances. Was really looking forward to seeing what this guy could do. Way, way too early to write him off, but am very worried about our striking options. Don't think Maiga is the answer either.
  12. Just to ask, do people reckon we look better in a 4-3-3 or 4-4-2?
  13. Just hope the powers that be see this and stump up for no. 9. So desperate for a no. 1 striker it's untrue.
  14. Jesus, I thought he'd gone from Twatter?! Brilliant stuff. Worth signing up for that shit alone.
  15. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Well whatever he sees at their training ground, they are likely to go straight back down. Sure he's going to love supplying the ammo for deadly Jay Boothroyd and DJ fucking Campbell.
  16. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Might be off to Dynamo I think?
  17. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Yip. The big mular for football clubs comes from TV revenue, ticket sales, sponsorship etc. The 500k or so each place is worth in terms of prize money is miniscule in the grander scheme of things. It's something that I honestly think is going to happen with every club in the league pretty much. Man United, Liverpool, City and Chelsea have the funding to splash big, Arsenal and Spurs are ran well enough as businesses to cling onto their tails. Everybody else is set to be stuck behind a glass ceiling that is pointless to try and break through, because it would take an absolute fortune just to get close. Look at Villa for example, they're seemingly cutting their cloth accordingly now. 2 biggest players out for close to £40 million, one replacement in - now McLeish has been told to work with what he's got. The depressing reality is the league is going to be completely split in two from now on and the big money men are heading abroad to purchase clubs where success is easier to buy. Honestly, if you look at transfer activity outside of the top six (or top five even, don't think Spurs' moment in the sun is going to last much longer,) it's like everyone has just given up. Trying to fluke a CL place was a valid strategy when the "elite" was only four teams. Good luck with that now. Wish Arabs would just buy everyone or something. Just to make it fair. Honestly wish we'd just get bought by Arabs. Don't give a shit about doing things "the right way" anymore Wouldn't be half as fun though. Who would exchange the roller coaster of the Toon, which can take you from derby day joy to the deepest darkest chasms of despair in just 3 days, for relative stability, a bottomless pit of money, world class players and the prospect of major trophies?
  18. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Many thanks for putting a much needed positive spin on this whole farce. You're bang on in every respect. Depressing as fuck to think he'll not be replaced though.
  19. Would love him to go there, he's fucking shite.
  20. Though indicative of the way the game has been headed, £365k per week is rather a good return. It's enough to turn anyone's head, particularly someone that has already accomplished achievements for which most footballers strive. How much did they pay Inter for him, just out of interest?
  21. Very frustrating indeed. Arguably the most frustrating aspect of modern football, the power of money. I think last season was a wake up call for Liverpool, and perhaps Chelsea. Without spending, other clubs were catching them up.
  22. Would love to know who these new targets are. What a ridiculous situation to be in. Honestly, facepalm indeed, sir.
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