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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Bryan Ruiz

    Clutching here, but surely if the bloke was actually to decide based on the quality of both squads we'd almost certainly have the edge over Fulham.
  2. I echo the sentiments of several people on here when I say that there is absolutely NO excuse to be leaving things this late. None whatsoever. 8 fucking months and the best we might be able to come up with is either a loan for a fat French has been or 'highjacking' a deal for a striker already on his way to another club. No way should it have come to this. A striker was a number 1 priority at the very beginning of the summer before Barton/Nolan/Jose were sold, yet all we've come up with so far is fucking Ba (who, incidentally, I do rate). The whole lot of them can fuck right off. Fucking morons.
  3. Am loading the shit cannons as we speak. Cunts.
  4. I just hope he wouldn't fucking go to those cunts tbh. I don't know why in the hell Chelsea would get rid though. Is a very good player and could be a significant part of their future with Torres/Mata.
  5. Just wiki-ed the guy. Nearly pissed myself when I saw he was only 24. Looks about fucking 50.
  6. Just relax folks. Plenty more business to be done today. If the clock strikes 11 and nee fucker is in, then we can start loading the shit cannons.
  7. The mongs and jokers really do come out in full force on the BBC's transfer deadline day videoprinter.
  8. Seems like Sochaux have shut the door on Maiga and Roux's club say they won't let him leave either. Pay what it takes to sign Cisse and stop fucking around. We're only in this position because we spent so much time running up blind alleys. What the fuck is their chairman up to - getting our hopes up. I thought he said that if they found a replacement he could go? Didn't Socheaux just sign a striker?
  9. What a waste. Surprising that he's decided to join that bunch of fucking cavemen though. Perhaps no one else was interested in him after all.
  10. Would have him back at the mo, no doubt whatsoever, irrespective of the manner in which he left. He's a good player that we could probably get for a reasonable fee. Thought he was off to QPR for some reason.
  11. Fucking hell. Crouch for £10million.
  12. toon25

    Nolan Roux

    I'm not So-chaux we'll pull this one off having failed to get Maiga. Already done?
  13. Diop ay? Where the fuck as he been? Last time I remember he was at Pompey. Injured.
  14. I'm sorry, but even if this guy is being sounded out as 'back up' it's still not fucking good enough. I echo the earlier sentiments of others - this lot need shooting with shite if after 8 months we have to resort to Macheda. Absolutely not good enough. Incompetence of the highest order.
  15. Presuming Santon comes in, who would people prefer to see dropped, Simpson or Raylor?
  16. He's right footed and really is more of a right back than a left back but can play there, getting both would honestly give us one of the best.. dare i say if not THE best defence in the league at least in terms of who we've got starting. However we'll get neither and Ryan Taylor will spend the rest of the season a left-back. I'll have whatever he's on, ta.
  17. Did young score? Got a few quid on him scoring.
  18. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    I reckon it'll come in time, tbh. We had a shit pre-season and some of the players have barely had a chance to get used to one another. Owing to the ineptitude of those above Pardew, with all the outgoings there's not even really an opportunity to ease some of the new players in. They've pretty much been thrown together and told to get on with it. Not taking anything away from Pardew, or the quality of players we've brought in though. Think they're doing a really good job. Just keeping fingers crossed that we can bring in those two new players.
  19. Exactly. The guy is a pure liability whenever on the field. Sorry, the guy is beyond defending. Absolutely zero footballing ability and, worse, far worse, its the clear lack of confidence he inspires to those around him.
  20. Exactly. The guy is a pure liability whenever on the field.
  21. Pathetic. What's pathetic about it? You'd like to see more of him then?
  22. What the fuck is the point of Smith? Even as a late sub he continues to fuck things up. Just fuck off, twat.
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