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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Yep. Once again this strikes me as more opportunism than carefully coordinated planning. Irrespective of whether or not he's a good player, I just think it's ridiculous that we could once again be facing a winter of Shola-Loven-and Best, who, whilst I think is decent, hasn't exactly got a perfect fitness record.
  2. £7million could have got us Shane Long, which would probably have been a safer bet.
  3. Joey doing his bset to make sure no other clubs go in for him then. Clearly wants to stay tbh.
  4. Beat me to it! Literally just about to post the same thing.
  5. Would love to think so mate, but I just can't see a Dutch international wanting to come here to sit on the bench.
  6. toon25

    Erik Pieters

    By the sound of things it would be far better value for money to bid for Cissokho at £8m than it would to bid for this chap at £6m.
  7. toon25

    Erik Pieters

    For those who have some knowledge of this chap, does £6mil sound a fair price?
  8. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Irrespective of what's gone on over the past few weeks, I hope gets loads of support tomorrow. I think we'll really need his tenacity and ability this year. For me, him staying is also the difference between a poor and decent summer.
  9. Certainly will be giving their games a wide birth this year, bitter, bitter petty twat that I am. Fucking Liverpool cunts.
  10. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Very true that. What I will say though is that he's not said much wrong in terms of where we are at the mo. Aside from Cunterpool, Chelsea, Manure, City and perhaps Arsenal, there's a huge gulf in terms of appeal and spending power and unfortunately it's gotten bigger over the past few years. We can't compete with that at the mo. What we can do, however, is push them as far as we can on the field, and frankly the events of this summer have maintained that divide between fans and players and owners that will present a major barrier to us achieving that.
  11. I'm sure I've seen him on the Spurs bench a season or two ago.
  12. Agreed. That Comoli is another cunt to go with the rest of the cunts they have there. Knows his stuff mind.
  13. I hope to god that I don't see the inevitable photo with him shaking hands with King Kunty and his shit eating grin.
  14. I keep thinking about their signings this summer and quite honestly, apart from Jose and Adam (if they use him in his best position), I really can't see how overspending on average shite like Downing and Henderson brings them any closer to the CL than, say, Spurs if they were bring in another forward.
  15. As long as we get behind the team and the players don't get a sense of how fucked off we are I reckon we might escape with just light rimming of 1 or 2-0
  16. God i hope not, bin dipper i work with think they are going to win everything the arrogant prat. Was watching a debate on Liverpool TV a week or so ago, and unsurprisingly not one of the 4 pundits/fans could contemplate them finishing outside the top two this season. Just can't stand them as a club, or collectively as a people. Arrogant, humourless, whiney, thieving cnuts. I never used to mind Liverpool until they got their knickers in a twist over Roy Hodgson tbh. Then the issue with the yanks blew up in their faces and all we heard from them was how hard done by they were and how they'd be 'forever red', all the meanwhile attendances at Cuntfield were falling and calls for Woy's head were growing louder. I know we've got a twat of an owner, and are run like a circus, but I don't for one second think we're too badly off. Just look at the poor sods at Plymouth. Anyway, thereafter came King Kunty and then Carroll, and the rest, as they say, is history. Liverpool can get fucked.
  17. toon25

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When it rains it fucking pours. Thanks a fucking lot to the stupid twat that did this.
  18. Spot on. Contingency plans should have been in place long before now. This chase for Pieters seems to confirm the fact that this club is run on a day to day basis. We were clearly not looking at him seriously until it was clear Jose was off and, surprise, surprise, the guy conveniently has a release clause in his contract.
  19. Cheers Jose, loved you as a player for us, foolishly hoped you might stay. Wish nothing but misfortune on your new club. Will miss him really. Always looked assured on the left with him and Jonas there. I'm still fuming at the club for not having lined anyone else up though. It's just not right that we're thinking of sticking Perch/Raylor/Simpson at LB only 2 days before the season starts. Twats.
  20. toon25

    Erik Pieters

    He doesn't have a release clause sadly.
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