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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Would be sheer lunacy to sign this clown in or current predicament, with the luxury of an up and coming keeper in Krul and Harper to back up, GK is the surely the last position we need more bodies. Green's also bound to be on a fair old wedge too. Would much rather use those wages elsewhere.
  2. Gareth cunting Barry? Again? He must be a serious cum junkie to keep getting called up. Jobs for the boys once more. It'll be the same old story for the Euros as well.
  3. I reckon they'll keep hold of sturridge tbh. I think they'd prefer to ship out Anelka but what with his age/wages he'll be harder to shift. If V-B can get them playing, Torres, Drogba, Sturridge and Lukaku might well become one of the best Prem striker combos next year. God, what I'd give to have Sturridge next year.
  4. At first I was a bit 'meh', now I'm actually rather pleased. Providing we give him some time I think he could be a cracking signing. No doubt being in and out, mostly out, of the manure side wouldn't have given the guy much of a chance to build some consistency. We all know how that helped Welbeck and Cleverley last year. They looked like decent players at times last season. Now for that illusive striker.
  5. Potentially a good move. Striker next please. And make sure it's a decent one.
  6. No problems with this so long as they're able to move on to the next target. Alas, I fear we'll be disappointed. Fucking ridiculous that we spent so much time chasing him anyway. When you think they've had since Jan to plan for a new striker, and given Ba's signing was somewhat opportunistic, it does reinforce what we already knew - these twats don't have foresight. They run the club on a day to day basis.
  7. toon25

    Summer from Hell

    Not been a great one really, has it? All the more disappointing after a positive start. Defo not as worrying as the summer of 09 though - recently relegated, an owner wanting to sell and no bids, no investment in the team, tonked off the O's 6-0, no manager, etc. Really feared for the club back then.
  8. Why thank you I've also borrowed the bowler hat idea - hope you don't mind.
  9. I'm all for people voicing opinions, but if they expect it's going to make a blind bit of difference to Ashley and force him to sell up, they're deluded. The bloke doesn't give a shite what people think of him. No amount of protest is going to change that, especially the fucking Poznan.
  10. toon25

    Joey Barton

    If bridges are mended, so to speak, will we still be going for Barnetta?
  11. Yes indeed, but that would involve the gift of 'foresight', something these twats simply don't have.
  12. Good. That cunt Lawro reckons Liverpool will start the season with Johnson playing LB. Also said 'King Kunty' has done 'great business' this window and that the bin dips are likely to get into top 4 this year.
  13. Is he also going to be away to the ACN in Jan? To be honest, we can't afford to be left with Loven and Shola for that crucial period whilst Ba is off too. Certainly has promise, but I think we need someone with a little bit more. Whether we'll get it or not is a different question.
  14. Chelsea I would think. I'm sure they picked up a fair few 'supporters' as soon as Abramovic rolled into town.
  15. Not really a central player I don't think. Right footed winger, pretty quick, and can play either on the right or left. Good free kick on him too.
  16. Pleased with this if true. Can this guy play in the centre as well? What sort of player is he?
  17. Macheda? No ta. Jesus, if that one's true we really are down to plan F.
  18. Had to listen to that show in that car with the father-in-law yesterday. Who the f*** is Darren Gough to be giving his tuppence worth on our situation anyway. Last time I checked he was just a fat bowler. Who has as much right to comment on our situation as any one else. Freedom of speech anyone? Still no less annoying when those without the foggiest as to what's going on at the club between board and supporters feel obligated to pass judgement. By all means comment, but his remarks suggested that it was fans' impatience for not giving Ashley enough time which is, as far as I'm concerned, bollocks. The mood around here would have been oh so different had there been a. significant investment in areas most needed, i.e. 2 strikers, another LB, etc. and b. the sale/alienation of the clubs most influential players which, in itself, is a corollary of the lack of board ambition to push on.
  19. Had to listen to that show in that car with the father-in-law yesterday. Who the fuck is Darren Gough to be giving his tuppence worth on our situation anyway. Last time I checked he was just a fat bowler.
  20. Do they know how much electricity it takes to run one of those things? Good job they'll have the Enrique money to pay the bill.
  21. Defoe's already said he wouldn't come here, the cunt.
  22. Signed a four-year deal in May. Would only be available on loan = stop-gap. The c***s that run this club need to pull their fingers out of their arses and bring in a replacement for Jose, who is proven in top-flight football and will look to be here long-term. With a month to go, I'd go for a loan deal rather than buying dross in like Shorey or Warnock, or relying on Ferguson, Tavernier to step up. It isn't with a month to go, we've known Enrique was off all summer. We should have genuine targets ready to pursue rather than last minute bodge up deals designed to keep the balance book looking healthy. Absolutely. No way should there be any excuses for not bringing in a decent LB. I'll be fucking livid if it ends up being an over-the-hill plodder like Warnock or Bridge. Fucking livid.
  23. Yes, but I think I've been in denial about the whole thing. Was half hoping he'd stick around until at least January, by which time we might have been doing SO well that he would have considered staying on. Wishful thinking eh? What it's brought home is the fact that this could have been so avoidable had some sort of ambition been shown in the past few months. Whilst Enrique may have decided to piss off anyway, there would at least have been an attempt to keep him. Fair point, I still believe the main reason is that he has just become good enough to attract the attention of other clubs while simultaneously coming to the end of his contract. The most shocking thing is the destination really, I would have said "fair enough" if he'd gone to Barca or even Arsenal, but Liverpool takes the piss. Don't worry, I dare say the increased media attention he'll be getting by playing for those twats will mean he'll get noticed by those bigger clubs. I fucking detest Liverpool and that smug cunt Dogleish, but you've got to hand it to them, they're clearly ambitious. Boils my piss that we were at their level not 6 months ago. Couldn't think of a bunch of fans least deserving of success at the mo tbh.
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